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Page b Minutes of CoUriCil P:RGotyi?� 5u.�.jp 29 g 1�63 <br />C1erk Lcrraine Stroinquist movad, aecondad bg Trustee Olmen, tbat Rog�r <br />8hort, Banister En�ineering Coo, snd ll�a�or Kennedq 4Tscustee Crepesu as <br />alternate) be authorized to repXosent Ax�den Hi1.Is at asid meetings � <br />motion carried. <br />Clerk requeated to ao ini'orm A48yor Vavouliso <br />1964 Villa e Y�illrate <br />� yor rse a e�r rom County Auditor, Eugene D',onic'�, requesting the <br />Village �aillrate for 1964. Referred to Clerk �ho raquested ttaat d�pert� <br />ment budgets be submittad aa a oon as possible, <br />�jpecial Iex Che ter 728 <br />�us ee ep movs e adoption of a meeolution approving Special Ie�ra <br />Cha�f;er 728, �hich r�;;:=.lates voting pr�cedu.p� oi tha Paa:ssq Countq <br />I,ea�ue of Muniaipali�ies, and authorized tho :,lc�,k to file earne �ri�h <br />the 5ooretax�;; of State; aeaonded bp Trustee CrepearzA motion carriedo <br />St. Pau1 Area Chember of Commerce <br />Le er rom t e� ave reques e representation at a m�eting to discuss <br />the desigrretion of each month for a spe�'ic praject � rePerred to <br />Truatee Nethercut�a Plenning ancl Zoning Commi�tee for recommendationo <br />CT�HK IARRA INE STROMf�J TST � S REPORT <br />Uill�ge Liabilitq <br />Z� reques e preaenoe of Attym Courtne�� at a Finance l�eoting to <br />help aet up and studq vi2l�ge liebility ea listed in a lettar from the <br />Ramary Cowatq League of Municipalitiesv <br />Villa e Inaurance Policiea <br />e2° r�quea e e 11�ge innux�ance policies from the �'m. Hite <br />agencg be refer3red to Atty, Co��a�tn�y far reoo�endation. <br />Condemnation Procedinga <br />,.� y�ur ney reques e the presence oF Clsy Kelle�, Building Snspectora <br />at the condemnation hearin� on Aurust 15, 19�;3 at the Village Hell <br />regar8ing the Grotto Cluband the Stephenaon property. Attg, Courts�agr <br />also requeated that the Plwnbing Inspector and the Elec�rical InspoctoN <br />aubmit written recorrmendations on the condemnation. <br />� <br />Polioe Aepartinent Reco nition <br />er res a e er, e u y 9s 1963, from Dr. Dunn, thenkin� th� <br />Village Police Dept. for pra�upt asaiatance in �n emer�ency, <br />nitars Sewar <br />rua ee repeau move , secop e ruatee Olmep, the edoption of a <br />reaolution, ea per attached, relating bo apportionment of asaeasmehts <br />relatin� to Sanitary Sewer I�..provement No, 4, and �uthorized the <br />eaecutiop oi' aame by the Clerk m motion earriedo <br />Sewer Fayment Cheak - Cloaed Accouat <br />�lertT—inio 83�i �ounc I o� a aewer payment oheek in the amount of <br />�17.40 frc�n Franoia Hranpon, 3130 5horeline Zane, which w�s not honored <br />bg the bank beosnae the aacount had been cloaed, On ilirther inveati� <br />gation, it was determined that the Pamily hsa moved out of etate and <br />left no forwaPding fldd7C@SBe `1'h6 Council requested the Clerk to inform t! <br />the new ownera of the home that the liability ia assumed by them and,- <br />when neceeeary, the Vil].age can eollect the amount with taxeaa <br />Time Extenaioas for Sewer Connectiana <br />er rea e e er, a e a y Ei3, from Cha�. A. Baasford of the <br />law firm of Mont�omery, Richar8s, �obb & Bessford repr�aenting the <br />eatate oY Taura Pd. Hauaer, diceseed; etating that the TorPin I3arloy <br />family hae beea gioen evio'Cion potice snd that the houae will ra�in <br />vaoant until deatroyed= therefore, a sewer appeara unneaeeaary. <br />m oontinced � <br />