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<br />, <br />.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Pac:e 2 <br />Minutes of Regular COUncil Meeting <br />March 20, 19ti2 <br /> <br />:5404 & 3405 SIEMS COUnT ... <br />Cl.erk Lorl'alne S,P'omqUlst informed the Council of ca lla feom the <br />owners of the above properties (Leon S9bine and L.S. Sweeney. <br />respectively), concernlne excessive drr.inaee 00 their driveways as <br />!l result of sewer construction. M:r. OImen eta ted that in hi!!! opinion <br />the condi tioo exists t,eCllUSA of di'uloaes f1'01ll their property. ,.. <br />Referred to Vlllq~e Engineer for study. <br /> <br />BETHEL COUEGE <br />Ma:,or Ashbech read a letteX' from the Board of EdUcatIon of Bethel <br />College x'ec;'.estlng aSslU'etlce of sewer facilities. l!layor A8hbach anCl tile <br />COUl)Cl1 a[;rEled to meet with the Poard of Bethe;\. College previo!].! <br />to May 215. 1902, which 1!!1 the date of the next Board Ptleet1ng01'.the <br />College. <br /> <br />Mr. Short Infor1ed the CoulXlll that the !l sewer connection to ROl!evj,lle <br />and St. Paul has not been requQsted for th~ Dupont propert1~ <br /> <br />The Gounc 11 agreed to lluthol.j z e ll.r. Shar t to (!heok ,..1th Bsthel CoUses <br />and the possit)i11ty of connecting with the St. Paul,-Roseville sy~tem.. <br />and also to check thecoosnHUity of connecting tp the Twin City' <br />Arsenal system. <br /> <br />Bethel CO.1.e['e antlciPntes openiof' in the fall of J.964. <br /> <br />1965 WEST COUNTY ROAP ]) .. :rUNCHE'S PLACE <br />Opposing Petition . <br />Carl !'.l.itU'lstenaen. 3122 Sho:rewood Dioiv6, pJ'esented a <br />OPPOsing sny business lit the !l bcve captioned. Qddl'ess ~ <br />bas 60 signatures~ <br /> <br />Letter of Opposit1on <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist re8~ a letter, dated March 13, 162, P;ro~ <br />D. D. Wendt, clerk" for Independent. School D1!1trict No. 6)21:, requesting <br />that the Gouncil consider that Johanna Jr. High SOhool site 1s less <br />than 500' from the tavern site. bef~e granting a license. <br /> <br />pet1tioll <br />Said pet1tl()~ <br /> <br />Request for Licene. <br />1r1'. .tl1c~rd Gran. 1891 lane, aPPlied tor the OD and ort S~l8 <br />110ense f.or 1965 'I.. Count:y Ro"d D~ <br /> <br />Mr. Kllnne'd1 stated that ..the COllnc.l1 does not heve the euthor.,H11:!1iQ <br />cOl18~der jl l1cenll8 u:11;ll !l fter pU311cat10{l .of ~e .1IICt~rit of : . ... <br />Or(HllIInoe No, 30" <br /> <br />JIr... ~v1dGrsff. 3069 Asbury AvenUe, owner of 1965 W,.. OltUnt1 Jtb8d'.:O~ <br />lnforme(3 the Coun~ll of the flnane'-al 1098 dlle to tbe clol!l1!:1g of '~!I! <br />elltllbli8hment, Tru8tee Crepeau 1ntormM Mr. Gr",ff ti)at the t!ilv~,~ <br />"Sf! cloaedby Oourt and nOt ~':y th\!l Oounoll~ <br /> <br />Said ~ppl~c8tlon referred to the Finance Committee~ <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO.. 30' AMENDME:)fl <br />.Ml' .,Kenned:r react the ameiiiJment to OrdinanCe IJo, 39 tor the tlW.'~~1., <br />111' ~ Kentled7 iIlOved that the ems ndlllent;be a!1opted aJltl PUbl1sl1ed irrt;JW . <br />lega;1 paper, Ih'. crepeau seoonded.. lIIot10n ca2.'r1ed. .. <br /> <br />HOUSE MOVING <br />Mr. KennedJ read a letber fi'0II1 Mr. Leslie tIo~in, .491 67th A"ell'xe ..a. <br />Mp1S,.. 'irhooereque8~ to IIIOve aq older home lnto the village bf "102."1:180 <br />Hills. hsd bun den1ed. &oid letterl'equest~d. rec~nllideration..ot hi. <br />rell.uest. No act10n,. . <br /> <br />l'LAYGRomm DRAINAGE <br />TheCouno1~ authorized Fred N1xon to construct a tempora~ fend. <br />around a water tUled d1tch at the new playground sUe at Count:r Read F <br />sndH1Wa1 #10. <br />