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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />? <br /> <br />., . <br /> <br />P!l[';e :5 <br />Minutes of Regular <br />Ma.rch. 26, 1902 <br /> <br />Counoil Meeting <br /> <br />2026 THOM DRIVE .G N"l1IS/lNCE CO..'PLAINT <br /> <br />Mr. Courtne:r informed the Council that on Febl'uar:r 28, 1962. he sent <br />a registered letter tel Mr. Oscar Thompson, owner of the above ment ioned <br />property, which wos receipted Mlrch 1, 1962. Said letter requested <br />Mr. ThoD:pson to cleer his property of junked Cars by the 10th of Maroh. <br />Mr. Thompson obviously hAs not oomplied with this renuest. <br /> <br />Ml'. Cl'epeau moved that Mr. Courtney be authorized to start prosecution <br />aga,lost Mr. Tholl\Pson fo!' violatton of. the zoning oI'dinance. ~.Kennedy <br />seconded, motiOn eal'I'led. <br /> <br />Mr. Courtney r'equested that tile Police Department take pictures of the <br />premises tos ut.stant1a te the "1olation. <br /> <br />1910 GRANT ROll D - NUISANCE COMPIiI!NT <br />The Gounel! WaS. informed that MI'. Edward Galle, owne,r of the abOVe <br />propel't1. has sold th1s prOpfJI'ty and moved. Mr. ()alla had been .orqered <br />by the Counoi~ to connect wi th the sanitary sewer system, because. of <br />the ovel'f~cw of the dl'~1nf1~ld onto Grant ROAd~ <br /> <br />Referred to the Police Deysrtment to conts ct the new ~ner, <br /> <br />MAINTh'NANCE AGREEMhNT - SQUAD CAR RADIO <br /> <br />~. Crepeau presented the Council with a MaJ,ntel;1ance AgreemeQ't.f~qII. <br />Capitol Electronics, Ine., for the- seUad car'redio, at a eOllt.!)JI:' <br />$7~70 pel" month" Soid agl'ee!r.unt refc1'1'ed to flbo. Courtney:who.,jppl'ovec1 <br />it" Mr. Crepeau moved approvul 01 oaid agreell;ent, eeconded .b)':~'. <br />Kennl1dy.. llIo.1;~oQ carr1ed" . .. .. <br /> <br />CIVIL DEFENSE DIREcr;rOR .. '1'l1IlPORARY APPOM:'.lliN'l' <br /> <br />lIayor Ashbqch informed the Cou"lclcl lihat we do not have 8 l'ep"'celD8~~ <br />fOl! !l C.1vll Defense Dbectoe, butMr. Pat Se.ton ~s btlen suege.ltteg <br />as arepJ.acemeqi!!\. <br /> <br />'f ... . . "-'c":' <br />llaY9I' A81'l,bBch ,r.8C;uested Mr. GUpea\.l to fill this position until.' tiew <br />Dlrept01',.ls appointed.. Mr. CrePeau acoepted~ . . <br /> <br />STATE AND COUNTY ELECTION NOTICE <br /> <br />~. ". ., <br />Olerjc Lql'rdne Steomquht read sle.ttel' dated March 20, 19~ fa,ooill <br />Eugene,AI' Motlick:, County Audit or . Said letter stated the t '\;~E(&tQ\ie <br />and CO\lCl't1i'rh.1U'1 ;Eleotion will be held OD Septembel' 1l,l9~~<.rid. . <br />f111e 'l'ltlite 8~d County General Electioa .. ~ovembe1' 6, 1962. . <br /> <br />Also incorporated In sdd letter ~a!l an Inforllllltion blank: tob.... . <br />cOll1{lete4 to enable the Countt Aunltor'e ottloe to tu1"n18h theii111.8g$ <br />with sup~l1e9 fC1l.' sl11d 4!lleot1oEU! to Olerk. . . <br /> <br />COUlfJ:l' ASS~SOR APPODITlIEltT <br />".' <br /> <br />Clerk LQl'1-~3-ne Stl'OIlIqu1at rea d a lette1', dated March 10" 1~. :r.-",. <br />the, pouf.1l7Ae,.880l"'8 ofUll.etatitlS that :81118..tinset. oourjt7:as.~~.'~ <br />01'~ ~11:. b~ lleld lilt the C()W't HOu~tMJrCh 30, at l() '!i.e, .. . <br />, .. -.;. . . " .. . <br /> <br />~~.Cl"~Ptl"1l JIIl)ved, uoo~ded b;y IIt.Olmen, that !'fan. Preolne1 b..l'e~: <br />.pJkll~ted<;l~nil7 A8..88dl' tor ~ V1i~le .I)t A!'den ~U8 ": .il10D <br /> .... . . . . . <br /> <br />Referred to Clel'k tit) inform Xl'. Prechte1 of r.....ppOiDtm8:nt and...tllJgo <br /> <br />TREE fLAHTING. PROGRAM <br /> <br />Mayor A8hllach 1nfor~ed the Counoil of a no1;1c.,dated M8l'eh 7, 3.962" <br />bpm the fitiJl1l!fey COunty Agricultural Agent,. . Roger W. COllk~ll1. Sald.. <br />00.t108 stated. that a supply of trees 1. available to COIIIlIUD1Ue. for <br />beautification and l'efo1'esl;ation and thllAgrioult\U!a~ ExteaeloD .Servlce <br />eacouragss co.mmunitles to take "dvantage of this offeI'. . <br />