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<br />r~... ..- <br /> <br />i~lr\t!tGS of Council Meeting - April II, 1966.- contlnl,l$d <br /> <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OLNEN1~b5$nt) <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromqul~t Informed the CouncIl that she had dlsCl,lssed the <br />status of Village employee James NIxon sInce he' Is actually working as II <br />part-time rather than a seasonal employee; this classification reqlJlres th <br />that he become a member of P.E.R.A. Trustee Crepeau moved. as recommended <br />by Trustee Olmen, "fhat JlImes Nixon be considered a part-tillleemployee . <br />effectIve as of February 24, 1966, at the previously established rate o.f <br />pay, seconded by Trustee 8jorndahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />CIvic Center Report <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut reported that the CivIc Center Committee has met three <br />tImes within the last few months and has considered the toll.wlog needs <br />of a civic center -administration, public works, library, parking, <br />landscaping. outdoor actlvltle~ and the possibility of a >>Y>>~ He.IA- <br />fromed the Councl I that the committee betTeves about 20 acres win be <br />needed; the Committee would like Carl Dale to st.udy the InfOrmatIon <br />they have comp II ed to da"te. Clerk Lorra I ne Stromqu I st informed, tlw <br />Council that definite figures would have to beevallable before further <br />consideration can be given the matter by the Finance Committee regarding <br />Federal assistance. . . <br /> <br />ReslQnatlon <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut read a I etter of res I gnat! on from Joseph McKeon who <br />was Arden Hills Chairman of the "Splc and Span" campaign sponsored by <br />the .st. Pau I Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. McKeon stated that a ch.ange <br />In positions does not allow adequate time for t~ls campaign. The Council <br />accepted with regret the resignation and requested recommendations fOr <br />ills replacement. Included In Mr. McKeon's letter were suggestl()n$ tor <br />conducting this year's campaign which recommended the cooperatIon of <br />the Pollee Department; Letter referred to Trustee Crepeau. <br /> <br />R. C. L. M. <br /> <br />C "erk d I str I buted. cop I es of a memorandum f.r()m J 1m So I em, Ratn$ey County <br />League of Municipal Itles, regarding the. Aprl r 5th .meetlng regarding <br />the Metro Transit CommissIon. He stated that a copy of a resolution <br />and joint agreement will be sent to the Council which .Is to bee.cted <br />on by May 16, If. the Village wishes to becotne a part of this COllll1llsslon. <br /> <br />Letter of Appreciation <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut reported .that a I etter had been rece I ved f rom the St. <br />Paul postmaster which Indicated theIr appreciation of the excellent Jo'b <br />of snow removal In the Vl'llage of Arden Hills. whl"c.h helped ease mall ' <br />deliveries. <br /> <br />Adjournment <br />Mayor Nethercut adjOurned the meeting at 9:30p.m. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />J:&~ (f kL~~ <br />Mayor . . <br />Robert E. Netherc~t. <br /> <br />~.'~ <br /> <br />Administrative Clerk <br />Lorraine E.. Stromqul <br /> <br /> <br />.,~ <br /> <br />,~' . <br />k <br />, <br />~ <br />~ <br />