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<br />. <br /> <br />Council Meeting Minutes - September 26. 1966 - continued <br /> <br />unsuccessfully to save his life. Trustee Crepeau sTated that Cooper <br />was very faithful llnd effective In solving burglarIes, etc. In the <br />Vlllllge. and the Depar1"ment Is lookIng for areplacemen1" since he was <br />quIte an llsset <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Pollee Departmen1" Pay Dates <br />Trustee Crepeau Informed the Council that the full time police officers <br />have requested that they receIve theIr pay on specific days of the month. <br />AdministratIve Clerk LorraIne S1"romqulst stated thllt the dates of. turning <br />In time had been chllnged since the Council requested having the lIsting <br />of the claims sent to them In advance of approval at 1"he Council meetIngs. <br />Matter referred to AdmInistrative Clerk for study. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHl <br /> <br />,Pa.rks and PI ayqrounds Namflls <br />Trustee Bjorndahl Informed the Council that. the p'arks and Recreation <br />Comml'ttee have suggested names for VIllage pa,rks llnd recreatIonal areas; <br />as follows: 1"he County Road F playground to'penamed Valentine Park. the <br />former Husby property near Floral Drive to b., named Floral Perk. and the <br />,recent I y purchased Ra I ph Perry property ~ Perry Park. Ra I ph Perry was <br />present and requested that I f !Jerry Park I s,accep1"al> I e 1"0 the Council <br />,that Itl>e called Charles Perry Park after ,b'lsgrandfather who WIU the <br />fIrst whl1"e se1"1"ler In the,. area. This was a9;reeable to the Council <br />,:tbeother names suggested by the Comm I ttee. . <br /> <br />Mr. Lagerstrom stated that the Charles PerrY'f>arkwas al ready belog use.d <br /> race track for Hondas and automobiles ;'lI!.atter referred to 1"he Pll.rks <br />and Recreation and PublIc Safe1"y Committees. <br /> <br />Pedestrian Trail <br />. Trustee Bjorndllh I I nformed the Counc II 1"hat.1"he Bo.y Scouts have comp I eted <br /><temporary staking of the trail and there ar./no pitfalls. and It Is now <br />. "'Open for pub II c use even though we do not h~:ve wI' 11"ten easements at this <br />,'.tlme. He requestedpubllcl1"y from the pres$,wlth publIcation of a map <br />showl n9 the route. Trustee BJorndah I sTated that at p resent the tra II Is <br />about 8mlles long. but will eventually be 16 miles In leng1"h. He also <br />Informed the Coune II that, ,the Boy Scouts w Lt,lllllbml l' samp I es of perman'ilnt <br />'.IlI11rkers for Counc II cons Id:erat I on a1" a Illte,r,;.,, <br />;:'':'-'('''~- <br />;.'h1'h&;(::ounclI requested Adtl\I.'jtlstretlve Clerk~1J;":l'1alne Stromquist to ",'rlt~; <br />;;Ietters of appreciation to the members of 1"~~'~'iI~estrian Trail Commf:t~;,~ <br />~~<;-_'~Jl~:;,the Boy Scouts fe>",_ t-h f.~ accomp' I shment .:ijht(<-;:,_;~~-:,)::.-: ..;,.,\_'\;:;:, <br />~:'--, :~(,,:~d:;',:~,.::,. ;,:' '~'--'.- <br /> <br />~iH~:Q';:c:: ::::T::I:~;::Or~ have been prevloi~,~(',~~vered.) ;;;~"l~(i~ <br />~tt'~t~P~~T OF MAYOR NET~ERCUT;i. r~~{,fIJ}~,',(~f~~1 <br /> <br />~. '}cga~e.Y County leaguepf .M.lIn I c I nIl l' I es }fff'~if;i", ;;,/'~;'~i~ <br />'*.~<t),";+~Ol.lnc II agreed 1I1.,ttl,Mcll;Yor Methercut' $ r~~pPA,!,n1"menf of Trust.eW~lfeau <br />. '.'1.t... '?'.'..'}..'>.',t'l......e,. .',.".p resent 1" he V f 1.lag. ..e.... ,0. .,.0., u nc I I on th e Leg~.....~'.;.Il..,..;.I.....'.a. 1'.. '.",'..v.,....e Comm I ttee 0 f ~ he.,...J):........L.,..}fI..'.';'.:~.'.'.:...; u e ; <br />~\,,:>~Ie,rk requested to ',0 f nh>rm the League. ~"~;, 5, i/',*,$;~ <br />~:_\._'~:;.~;r..:>::;,__,_i_- :<_:' _ ",' ,'_:,_.~;,~_~~:,~__!:..::,._:__'''.-:-_--:-- ,'. " _;""?':[;':I&~ <br />t"~rtfir: Nethercut reporf.edttlat at 1"he I r I ast;Y#~etl;,.p. the Metropo" tll!l~.;~'i;,~ <br />J\:':~~~,"'r; Systelll was d 11iI~1l,liIlile.d, Mater! e I on 1"h~.IiI:s.ub!Jllct was referred to/,~~ <br />f:~"cRillP,lIC Works COlllmltteefl)'r; study. ;,,~ ...., _.' . ':':;i <br />~\t:~,7"-'" -'.-', ' '., -',.< ;~,'~_,;.~:'r.,.:.' <br />:,;,.._......-..'.... " <br />i){.lk?'6.:7'Bud1l91" AD!) rove I, ,.', ,,',;,i <br />':'~~~M'!>,P Nethfllrcut exp 1,i!JnEi.cI' i1"he procedure use:4;)l.nflnall zing e budget. "ii,~ <br />;,,:~j~!l;t~d 1"hat f I gures;6!""llcBiapll ed by the Adm;J~;I.s1"r'at I ve Clerk f rom req\.i~;"'''' <br />'//tlldlllllounts from thevarJpus' Village comllllt~~es;the Council then re+er"s <br />A,:the,colllpllatlon to tl\eFlnance Committee forstu~y\ It Is then s1"u<lledc: <br />ii.,at...ajolnt mee1"lng of tfte>Coancll, Finance C~mmltt,ee llnd CommlHee . ,", <br />,Chairman, before beln!lpresented to the resl.qentsat a Councl I meett~;g:.,t <br />. Cop I es of the proposed'budget were d I strl but'ad to the paop I a present,\,,\,. <br />'...,,' The Mayor exp 1111 ned that the Coun1"y ac1"ua (Iysets the mil ( ra1"e for .1"l\e'. <br />VIllage from 1"hls budget llnd the llntlclpllted mIll rate will be about 22 <br />mills whIch Is a slight Increase over the 20.59 of' thIs, yellr. He also <br />stated that he had checked with other munIcipal 11"les, and we appellr 'to be <br />the second lowest In Ramsey County. <br />-t.,- <br />