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<br />Council Meeting Minutes - September 26. 1966 - con1"lnued <br /> <br />qUlst be authorized to represent the Council and accept 1"he bids a1" a bid <br />opening at JO:OO a.m. on October 18. 1966, a~the Village Hllll; seconded <br />by Trustee BJorndahl; motion carried. <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann recommended 1"ha1" 1"he firms who assisted In estlma1"lng <br />1"he ~ost of the sys1"em be Individually no1"lfled of the letting. <br /> <br />Road Problem - Lllkevlew Avenue (County Road D) <br />EngIneer Lund presented an es1"lmated cost of $1.800.00 <br />eLakevlew Avenue from ShorelIne Lane to Lake Josephine. <br />provement would be 150 fee1" long by 20 feet wide whIch <br />length to serve the home. <br /> <br />for ImprovIng <br />This street Im- <br />would be sufficient <br /> <br />DIscussion followed regarding the problem of this Improvement Increasing <br />the use of this s1"reet as a public access to the lake. and also 1"he cost <br />of the Improvement as only one owner Is Involve.. Matter referred to <br />Engineer Lund to check wIth the property owner. <br /> <br />Acceptance of Fernwood Avenue <br />EngIneer Lund reported that Fernwood Avenue (Con1"rol Data Road) has been <br />I'nspec1"ed by EngIneer LI.benow and the draInage ~ork has now been satis- <br />factorily comple1"ed accordIng to the plans. Engineer Lund submitted a <br />letter which stated. Engineer llbenow's recommendation tha1" the Village <br />aCeep1" 'the road. Tru,stesOlmen moved that the Village accept the dedI- <br />cation of Fernwood Avenue frolll Control Data Corporation. subject to <br />At1"orney Courtney's opinion; seconded by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOFFMANN <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann reported that subjects of his report have already been <br />Covered. ' <br /> <br />Election FlllnQ Statement <br />Trustee Hoffmann stated to the Council 1"hathe would not fIle for re~ <br />election. that he onl~fllled out an uncompleted term and that he hilS <br />other commlttlllents which will be very time consumIng. He s1"ated that he <br />I'lllIS enjoyed working with the Councl I and would .llke to continue working for <br />the V III age I n a I esseI' of,f Ice. . Mayor Nethercut expressed that he WllS <br />sorry about thIs decision, bu1" has nothIng bu1" respect for hlsdeclslonand <br />that he apprec lilted a I I the work done by Tru.ste.e Hoffmann I n so sHort a <br />" The entire Council .seconded Mayor Nethercut's feelIngs. <br /> <br />Elec1"lon FlllnQs <br />'AdmInistrative Clerk Lorraine Stromquist Informed the Council that the <br />period fo~ filIng for VI11age office Is from September 27 thru October II. <br />1966. Fill ngs will. be accepted for two trustees,and one Just I ce of the <br />peace. The Trustee receiving th~ most votes wlij fill the 3 year term <br />end 1"he one with the second highest number of votes will fill 1"he one year <br />'term; the Jus1"ice of the Peacoe term Is for two years. <br /> <br />. Trll.stees Crepellu and Hoffmann and Just I ce of the Peace V I ctor Ponierenke <br />.7JHhave completed theIr terms this year. <br /> <br />~EPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />'Schoo I She I hr <br />Trus1"ee Crepeau Informed the CouncIl 1"hat the Public Safety Commlt1"ee <br />thooght the I dea of a schoo I ch" dren' s she Iter to be an exce II ent I des, <br />and Mrs. Tschida hils been so Informed. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved. seconded by Trustee Olmen. that approval be <br />gran1"ed to allow 1"he School Children's Shel1"er, Inc. to Install II shel1"er <br />at Floral Drive llnd Hamllne Avenue, and requ~sted the Cle~k to so Inform <br />1"hem, by letter as per theIr request; mo1"lon carried <br /> <br />The ,Council fert 1"hat these shelters would be a welcome addition In several <br />areas. but action would be taken on them as requested. <br /> <br />,'.Mr. Cooper - Police Do!! <br />Trustee Crepeau reported with regret that Mr. Cooper. pollee traIned 4 year <br />old German Shepherd pollee depar1"ment dog, had been fatally Injured by <br />a hit and run driver Sunday evening. Two Moundsvlew High SChOOl students, <br />faith Olchefskl, New Qrlghton. and Darlene Vappa. Shorevlew. placed the <br />, Injured dog In their car llnd took hIm to veterinarian Dr. Feist. who tried <br />-~ . <br />