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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION ~ JANUARY 5, 2005 2 <br /> UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br />. A. PLANNING CASE 04-19: RAMSEY COUNTY. 1425 PAUl.. KIRKWOLD DRIVE: <br /> SPECIAL USE PERMIT AMENDJ\tENT TO ALLOW FOR THE <br /> INSTALLATION OF A YEAR-ROUND USED OIL AND SEASONAL <br /> HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION SITE AT THE <br /> NORTH\VESTJ;~RN PORTION OF THEIR PUBLIC \VORKS FACILITY <br /> GROUNDS <br /> Mr. Clark stated the applicant had requested a Special Use PClmit (2nd) Amendment to <br /> allow f()r installation of a year-round used oil collection site and a scasonal Household <br /> Waste collcction sitc at thc northwcst corner of the applicant's property in Arden Hills. <br /> The applicant was also seeking a matcrials variancc for thc uscd oil collection building. <br /> He rcviewcd the Sitc Plan and notcd statl had not yet received the architcctural plans for <br /> the structure and thcrcfore stafT was recommcnding thc Planning Commission takc <br /> commcnts from the applicant and continuc this to thc Fcbruary meeting. <br /> Terry Noonan, Environmental Services Supervisor of Ramscy County Public Works <br /> askcd ifthc Commissioncrs had any questions. <br /> Commissioner ZimmC1111an statcd he was not in favor of a 24-hour facility because of the <br /> opportunity for people to abuse the dumping of illcgal itcms off He noted if they were <br />. adding a second camcra and that might serve as a valuablc fcaturc and this addition <br /> would makc a 24-hour operation palatable, but if thcy did not have this camera, he did <br /> not want to sec a 24-hour operation. Mr. Noonan replied they had discusscd thc hours of <br /> operation and thcy had confirmcd that there was an existing camera on the fuel linc and <br /> what thcy wanted to do was put wiring in for a camera at so if thcrc was a problcm a <br /> camcra could be easily put in. He statcd thcy wcrc not proposing to put an additional <br /> camera in unless thcy had a problem. Hc also notcd that thc Public Works was not a 24- <br /> hour dcpartment and thcy did not have the staff available to open and closc thc gatcs on <br /> thc weekends. Hc stated they have not had any significant problems at their current <br /> facility. <br /> Commissioner Zimmennan exprcssed conccrn about hazardous waste being dropped off. <br /> Mr. Noonan rcplied thcy did rcceive some hazardous waste oncc in awhilc and that was <br /> thc reason they wantcd a storage facility. <br /> Commissioner Modcsette asked if staff would chcck that location cvcryday. Mr. Noonan <br /> rcplied during thc wcck days it was chcckcd on a daily basis. <br /> Commissioner Zimme1111an expressed conccrn that thc Shcriff Dcpartmcnt would be <br /> conccrncd about peoplc driving around the facility after hours. Mr. Noonan replied he <br /> belicved having the Sheriff Dcpatiment f~lcility there would be a beneflt. <br />. Joe Wasniack, Ramsey County Houschold Hazardous Wastc, statcd Whitc Bcar Lake had <br /> a used oil facility that was open 24 hours a day and sincc thcy took ovcr operating it, <br /> therc had been little hazardous wastc droppcd off. <br />