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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 2,2005 11 <br />. things they had to balancc was to make this project economically fcasible and thcre <br /> would be probably be some public financing of the project. He stated this plan would <br /> offer a wide variety of housing types that might or might not be available in the City. Hc <br /> statcd this plan would be differcnt than the rcst of the community, but it would otTer a <br /> high-end of architectural detail. Hc noted thcy havc assumed densities below what he <br /> would call normal development standards. He statcd the densities would be highcr than <br /> the current comprchcnsive plan, but it would be lower than the surrounding communitics. <br /> He noted the density discussion would come back to thc Planning Commission for their <br /> thoughts and rccommcndations which would be givcn to thc City Council. <br /> Commissioncr Holmes stat cd shc could not support this Rcsolution bccause it did not <br /> follow the vision goals of the TCAAP vision with respect to open space, regional parks, <br /> and traftic. She noted the amenities arc all in thc northern part of the area, which would <br /> not benefit any of the residents on the south side of the City. Shc stated she wanted more <br /> paSSIve open spacc. <br /> Commissioner ZimmeIman stat cd they were looking at a compressed picture of what <br /> things would look likc. If they would actually get a concept of what this looked like, it <br /> was dcsigncd with a lot of open space and he believed met the goals of the area set forth <br /> previously. He statcd he would support the Resolution, and as it was currently <br /> configured it was an cxccllcnt rendition of what a large majority of the peoplc in thc City <br /> wanted. <br />. Commissioner Modesettc stated she liked thc fact that thcy wcre spcaking to things that <br /> would change and they had to keep in mind that things could change a lot. She stated she <br /> agreed this site ncedcd to start out as a high quality concept. Shc statcd as thcy lookcd at <br /> the details, she also had some concerns that thc high quality would make it so unique that <br /> it would become cxclusivc. Shc stated it was important to her that the end rcsult should <br /> represent the nonnal fabric of society and not become too out ofthc ordinary. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski stated the goal was to provide jobs and homes for the people in thc <br /> area and that was why thcy were proposing thc mixcd use. She notcd there would bc <br /> higher density, but they want cd the people who livcd to also work there. She stat cd the <br /> transportation pattern had always bccn a challenge on this piecc fi-om the beginning. She <br /> indicatcd the road would necd to be looked at again and again before any definite <br /> dccisions wcre made. She stated they had not ahandoncd the neighborhood par~ conccpt <br /> and there were pockets of grccn spacc. <br /> Commissioner Holmes stated shc did not understand why Ramscy County had obtained <br /> thcir land and did not need to devclop it whilc the City was going to acquirc the land and <br /> havc it all developed. Shc belicvcd this area needcd a suhstantial amount of grecn spacc. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski replied thc City could not afford to not develop the land. <br /> Mr. Clark notcd thcrc would be many acres to the east that would rcmain opcn spacc. <br /> Commissioner Holmcs noted the east was not available to the City. <br />. Mr. Clark stated the principal of thc Vento plan was that thcy recognize that there would <br /> be development on this property, but a significant portion of this property would remain <br /> open. He stated thc majority of the rcst of this propcrty would remain opcn spacc in <br /> perpetuity. <br />