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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 2, :W05 12 <br />. Chair Sand stated he undcrstood if they looked at thc whole 2400 acrcs, the eastern half <br /> I <br /> would rcmain as open spacc and cvcn in that arca there was discussion as to whcther it <br /> would be active or passive open space and re belicved the passivc opcn space had a <br /> greater influcnce on the outcome. He believed there was a promise madc that the eastern <br /> half would bc opcn to the public, not just accessible to the Guard. He stated he had a <br /> concern with the density, but hc believed !his could bc controlled through the propcr <br /> design .b'1lidelines sct by thc City, as wcll as good architecture. He stated even though this <br /> was dcnse, they needed to take into account t~1at this need cd to be economically feasiblc <br /> to the City. <br /> Commissioncr Holmcs stated the thing that concern cd her most with the density was the <br /> increase in traffic that this would gencrate. Shc believed this development would have a <br /> ncgative impact to the community. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski notcd there were more pcorle working in Arden Hills that did not livc <br /> in Arden Hills. <br /> Commissioner Thompson stated a lot of pcople wanted to livc in the City, but did not <br /> want the largc lot or wantcd to downsize, so shc believcd there was an cxpectation that <br /> there would be othcr typcs of housing arrangemcnts in the City. <br /> Mr. Clark stated if the City was not a part ofth,is process; thc Army could go out and look <br />. for another buyer, which meant the City would havc little control over the property. Hc <br /> noted right now the City had all of the control as to what type of a developmcnt would be <br /> built. <br /> Chair Sand stated having sat through the various meetings; he did not want to throwaway <br /> thc hard work of 10 years due to the conccrns of density. Hc believed the density issue <br /> could be addrcssed in thc dcsign conccpts. Hc noted thcrc has been a lot of input tram a <br /> lot of pcople and he believed that should be respected. <br /> I <br /> Commissioner Holmes stated what conccrncd her was that thcre were only threc plans, <br /> which all looked the same. She believed thcre had not been a lot of work done on this. <br /> Chair Sand stated he would tcnd to dcfer to the experts on this because they had worked <br /> in this area tor a long time. He noted therc was not much they could do with respect to <br /> the road layout and the mixed use. <br /> Commissioncr Zimmcrman movcd, seconded by Commissioncr Larson to approvc <br /> Resolution Rccommending Adoption of the Twin Cities Anny Ammunition Plant <br /> Framework Plan dated January 13, 2005 with thc correction to the fourth Whcrcas clausc <br /> changing the date to January 24,2004. <br /> Thc motion carricd unanimously (5-1) (Commissioncr Holmes opposed). <br />. B. PLANNING COMMISSION 2005 PC WORK PLAN <br /> Mr. Hellcgers prcscnted the potcntial Planning Commission work plan tor 2005. He <br /> indicatcd thc plan showed two ongoing acti:vities; TCAAP Land Use Planning, and <br />