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<br /> 'ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MARCH 2, 2005 6 <br /> Commissioner Larson moved, seconded by Commissioner Zimmerman to recommend <br />. denial of Planning Case No. 05-09: David Radziej and Roger Sabot, 4365 and 4367 <br /> Lexington Avenue; Driveway Variances, reasons f()r denial: I. The lack of detail plans <br /> and the engineering necessary to show exactly what the dynamics of the access are going <br /> to be. The owners have the opportunity to work this out between the City and the County <br /> Enginecrs and come up with a bcttcr engineered plan than submitted. 2. The shared <br /> acccss was a condition of approval for the original dcvelopmcnt of the site and othcr <br /> conditions of ~pproval, which was the turnaround was not met, so thcrcfore, the <br /> Commission did not know how the site functions if that condition was in place. .., <br /> .,. <br /> multiplc accesses to the property and the proximity to thc Victoria and Amble <br /> intersection would bc more confusing and dangerous to tratlic on Lexington A venuc and <br /> to the occupants. <br /> Commissioner Larson believed the applicants did have access problems and he could <br /> look much more favorably on this if thcre werc detailed englncenng plans. <br /> Commissioner Thompson agreed. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman understood applicant's thoughts wanting two additional <br /> driveways, but he did not sec how thc logistics would work. <br /> Chair Sand statcd"hc believed it was not the applicant's f~lUlt that the turnaround was not <br /> put in, but this should have been taken care of at the time the building permit was issued. <br /> He shared the other Commissioner's concerns and indicated he might be marc amenable <br />. going along with this proposal with detailcd Enginccring's plans. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> Rogcr Sabot stated they were not informed by the County that they necded a detailed <br /> drawing; that they only nceded a skctch, which is what they presentcd. <br /> B. PLANNING CASE 05-06: CITY D:F ARDEN HILLS. 1245 W. HIGHWAY 96: <br /> CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES AMENDMENT FOR THERAPEUTIC <br /> MASSAGE. <br /> Mr. Hellegers stated staff was rccommending repealing existing City Code Section <br /> 330.03 relating to massage, rap, and sauna parlors; adopting proposcd Section 330.04 <br /> relating to Massage Therapy Establishments and Massage Thcrapists; and Amending <br /> Sections 5.E and 10.G of the Zoning Ordinance to rcference Massage Therapists and <br /> Massage Thcrapy Establishments. <br /> Chair Sand requestcd a distinction be put in that the liccnse went with the person and not <br /> the house, so if ncw owners were to come in and they wanted licensing, they would need <br /> to acquire it. <br /> Chair Sand opened the public hearing at 8: 13 p.m. <br />. Chair Sand invited anyonc f()r or against this Ordinance to come forward. <br /> Comne Vahle, 1365 Arkwright St. #201, S1. Paul, stated shc was liccnsed in Ncw <br /> Brighton and she had just surrcndcred her S1. Paulliccnsc because the office where shc <br />