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<br /> . <br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MAY 4,2005 6 <br /> Staff recommcnded rezoning thc west 397.5 fect of the north 276.82 fect of the Northeast <br />. Quartcr of the Northwest Quartcr of Scction 22 Township 30 Range 23 from R-l Single <br /> Family Residential to NB Ncighborhood Business. <br /> Chair Sand opencd the public hearing at 7:56 p.m. <br /> Chair Sand invitcd anyone for or against the rezoning to come forward and make <br /> comment. <br /> Grcg Rcdman, 1480 Ardcn Vicw Drive, reprcscnting Arden Hills Townhome Board, <br /> stated hc was reprcsenting thc association dircctly south of this proposal. He stated thc <br /> Board did not havc any specific objcction to thc rczoning, but thc Board did have somc <br /> concerns with the subscquent development proposal and reserved the Board's right to <br /> comment on that proposal. <br /> Chair Sand notcd thcy wcre rescrving comments as to how the propcrty was developcd, <br /> but they did not oppose thc rezoning. Mr. Redman rcplied that was correct. <br /> Gail Van Buskirk, 1390 Arden View Drive, stat cd shc was opposed to the zoning change <br /> because shc belicved the Comprehcnsive Plan was taking ovcr green spacc and making <br /> more industrial arca. She expressed concern that there were a lot of industrial arcas being <br /> put in thc City. She noted she was not opposed to residcntial homes or townhomes bcing <br /> put in this arca, but she did not want to see a ncighborhood busincss put in. Shc indicated <br />. putting in a neighborhood busincss would bc a waste of this sitc. <br /> Chair Sand closed thc public hcaring at 8:00 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Larson moved, secondcd by Commissioncr Thompson, to approve <br /> Planning Case No. 05-05, the City of Arden Hills, 1245 Wcst Highway 96; Rezoning thc <br /> Old City Hall and Public Works Sitc (1440-1450 Highway 96) from R-l: Single Family <br /> Residential to NB: Ncighborhood Business. <br /> Commissioncr Bczdicek asked if this was consistcnt with the Comprchcnsive Plan. Mr. <br /> Ilellcgers responded it was. <br /> The motion carricd unanimously (6-0). <br /> D. PLANNINC CASE 05 12: ROYAL OAKS REALTY. 1000 COUNTY ROADE <br /> "rEST. SHOREVIE\V. MINNESOTA: ,'\'1l~..STER AND FIN1\L PUD AND <br /> PRELH\llNARY PLAT fOR OLD CITY HALl.. ,A..NDPUBLlC WORKS SITE <br /> ( 1440 1450 lUCHW,A..Y 96 <br /> Continued to thc June 1,2004 Planning Commissioncr meeting. <br /> UNFINISHED AND NE\V BUSINESS <br />. None. <br />