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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -- MAY 4, 2005 5 <br /> Commissioncr Bczdicek asked what the ramification ofthcir dccision would havc on Mr. <br />. Pcterson's negotiations with Ramsey County. Mr. Peterson responded he believcd their <br /> decision would have somewhat of an impact on what would happen. <br /> Chair Sand asked to what extcnt thc Commission had the authority to do this. He notcd <br /> they did not have thc authority to deny this because the County had eminent domain <br /> authority. Mr. Clark rcsponded what was important was to makc sure the Commission <br /> scparated the issues that Mr. Peterson's remcdies werc an issue betwccn thc County and <br /> the propcrty owncr and what the City was doing was saying thcrc would bc an impact to <br /> thc property in the structure being non-conforming once thc road was widened and <br /> therefore, the Peterson's would nccd a variancc for thc non-conforming structurc, which <br /> would be helpful to both the Petersons and thc City. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked if granting thc variancc at this time was timely considering <br /> the negotiation was not complcte. He asked if this favorcd the County. Mr. Clark replicd <br /> all thcy wcrc rcmedying was one issuc, which was the non-conformity. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked if the variance was in place, did this aid thc County bccause <br /> thcrc was not the non-confomlity qucstion. Mr. Clark rcplied from his perspective, thc <br /> answer would be no because there was two issues - thc non-conformity and the <br /> negotiations thc County was having with Mr. Peterson. <br /> Commissioncr Zimmennan asked what brought this to the City's attention. Mr. Clark <br />. responded staff had lookcd awhilc ago at what propertics were going to bc affected with <br /> this road reconstruction and staff wantcd to makc sure that thesc types of rcquests wcre <br /> all done at one time. He noted it was quitc common to look at these issues in advance of <br /> a road rcconstruction. <br /> Chair Sand asked if thc County had alrcady prcpared a survey. Mr. Clark replied they <br /> had. <br /> Chair Sand indicated thc only thing that had not been established was the amount of <br /> compcnsation to thc Petcrsons. Mr. Clark rcplied that was corrcct. <br /> Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 7:49 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Thompson moved, scconded by Commissioner Zimmerman to approve <br /> Planning Case No. 05-14, The City of Arden Hills, 1105 Amble Drive, Variance. The <br /> motion carricd unanimously (6-0). <br /> C. PLANNING CASE OS-OS: CITY OF ADEN HILLS. 1245 \VEST HIGH\V A Y 96~ <br /> REZONING THE OLD CITY HALL AND PUBLIC WORKS SITE (1440-1450 <br /> HIGHWAY 96) FROM R-l: SINGLE-FAMIL Y RESIDENTIAL TO NB: <br /> NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS <br />. Mr. He11egers stated applicant was requcsting rczoning the wcstcm portion of thc old <br /> City Hall/Public Works site from R-l: Single Family Rcsidential to NB: Ncighborhood <br /> Business. <br />