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<br /> . <br /> MINUTES <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION <br />. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1,2005 <br /> 7:00 P.M. - ARDEN HILLS CITY HALL <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Vice Chair Zimmcnnan called the mccting to ordcr at 7:02 p.m. <br /> OATHOFOFHCE <br /> Mayor Aplikowski administcrcd the Oath of Office to David McClung. <br /> ROLL CALL <br /> Prcsent wcrc Commissioncrs Clayton Larson, Ken Bczdicek, Elizabcth Modcsette, <br /> Robcrta Thompson. David McClung, and Vice Chair Clayton Zimmerman. <br /> Absent: Chair Sand. <br /> Also present were Mayor Beverly Aplikowski, Councilmcmber Lois Rcm, Community <br /> Development Director, Scott Clark, City Planner Peter Hcllcgers, and Recording <br /> Secretary Kathlccn Altman. <br />. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br /> HELD ON l\IA Y 4, 2005. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmerman requested the f()llowing changes: Page 1, last sentence, change <br /> 130 square feet to 130-square feet. Page 3, last paragraph delcte unanimously and add <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman opposcd. Page 4, last paragraph from the bottom, first <br /> sentence should read: Commissioner Modcsette asked if Mr. Pcterson had bcen givcn... <br /> Commissioncr Bczdicck moved, seconded by Commissioner Larson to approvc the May <br /> 4, 2005 minutes as amended. <br /> Thc motion caJTicd unanimously (6-0). <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> A. PLANNING CASE #05-13: Holidav Stationstores, Inc., 4567 American Blvd. W., <br /> Bloomington, MN; Master and Final PUD/SUP and Preliminarv Plat for SW corner <br /> of Highwav 96 and Round Lake Road <br /> Mr. Hellegers stated applicants wcre rcquesting a Master and Final PUD/Spccial Usc <br /> Pennit and Preliminary Plat for the development of the propcrty at thc southwest comer <br />. of Highway 96 and Round Lake Road. Staff recommended approval based on the <br /> following conditions: <br />