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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -JUNE 1,2005 2 <br /> 1. Thc applicant shall submit revised plans, responsive to the commcnts from the <br />. Plan Review Comments section of staff s report (14A), for review and approval <br /> by the City Planner, City Engineer, and City Building Oflicial, prior to issuance <br /> of building permits. <br /> 2. The applicant and their contractors shall work with the City Planncr and City <br /> Forester to save as many existing (and hcalthy) trees as possible in the areas <br /> designated as landscape space. <br /> 3. Rcviscd plans showing additional screenmg, preferably in thc form of <br /> coniferous trccs, along the north and southcast sides of the property to mect the <br /> screening requircmcnt of 60% opacity. <br /> 4. Wall and canopy signagc shall be reduccd to meet the City's rcquirements of 60 <br /> square fect and 25 square feet (pcr street facing canopy edge) respectively. <br /> 5. Thc height of the frecstanding monument sign shall be reduccd to 12 feet to bc <br /> compliant with the City's Signagc Ordinance. <br /> 6. The fueling canopy columns shall be treatcd with the same brick as the <br /> proposed building for design consistency and to more closely match the <br /> Gatcway Business District extcrior matcrial requiremcnts. <br />. 7. Exccution of a PUD Permit/SUP Permit drafted by the City Attorney and <br /> approved hy thc City Council prior to the issuance of a Building Pennit. <br /> 8. Execution of a final plat prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> 9. Thc applicant shall submit an application for a Final Plat review within six (6) <br /> months f<.)llowing City Council approval of the PUD and Preliminary Plat. <br /> 10. The applicant shall ohtain all necessary permits trom the Rice Creek Water <br /> Shed District and Ramsey County. <br /> Commissioner Thompson askcd if thcy had considcred moving thc gas tanks further <br /> away from thc water. Mr. Hellegers replied the applicant would be able to answer that <br /> question. <br /> Vicc Chair Zimmerman opened the public hearing at 7: I 0 p.m. <br /> Vicc Chair Zimmernlan invitcd the applicant to comc forward. <br /> Victor Sacco, Sr. Managcr of Real Estate for Holiday Companies Holiday Station Storcs, <br /> stated they had worked hard with City stafT on this site. He indicatcd they would be in <br /> compliancc with all of the conditions. With rcspect to thc gas tanks location, this was <br />. designed for the transport truck to be able to delivcr product easily; and whcrc the cars <br /> would be entering and exiting thc sitc - so they put the tanks wcrc there was less traffic. <br /> Hc noted all tanks were state of the art equipmcnt and thcy cxcecded what was required <br /> by the State for underground storage. Hc noted any sign of Icaking or vapors, the system <br /> would shut down and thcy would go into their spill prcvention plan. <br />