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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 4 <br /> Commissioner McClung moved, secondcd by Commissioner Modesette to find the <br />. Planning Commission considered thc effect of thc proposed use of the health, safety, <br /> conveniencc and gcneral welfare of the owncrs and occupants of surrounding land, in <br /> particular, and the community as a whole, in gcncral, in eluding but not limited to thc <br /> following factors: existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions; noisc, glare, <br /> odors, vibration, smokc, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid waste, and other nuisancc <br /> charactcristics; drainage; population dcnsity; visual and land use compatibility with uses <br /> and structurcs on surrounding land; adjoining land values; park dcdications wherc <br /> applicable, and the ordcrly dcvelopment of thc neighborhood and the City within the <br /> general purpose and intcnt of this ordinance and the Comprehcnsive Development Plan <br /> for the City. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (6-0). <br /> B. PLANNING CASE 05-12: ROY AL OAKS REALTY. 1000 COUNTY ROAD E <br /> WEST. SHOREVIEW. MN; MASTER AND FINAL pun AND PRELIMINARY <br /> PLAT FOR OLD CITY HALL AND PUBLIC WORKS SITE (1440-1450 <br /> HIGHWAY 96). <br /> Mr. Hellegers stated applicant was requesting a Mastcr and Final PUD and Preliminary <br /> Plat for the redevelopment of the old City Hall/Public Works propcrty as a 7 building, 30 <br /> unit. officc condominium complex. Staffrccommended approval of the Master and final <br /> Planned Unit and Preliminary Plat subject to thc following conditions: <br />. 1. The applicant shall submit rcviscd plans, rcsponsive to the commcnts from thc Plan <br /> Review Comments section of this report (l4A), for review and approval by the City <br /> Planner, City Enginecr, and City Building Official, prior to issuance of building <br /> permits. <br /> 2. Thc applicant and their contractors shall work with the City Planner and City Forestcr <br /> to save as many cxisting (and healthy) trccs as possible in thc areas designated as <br /> landscape space. <br /> 3. Thc applicant's timeline for developmcnt shall bc as follows: <br /> -Phase ]: Summer 2005 - The dcveloper may begin grading, installing utilitics, <br /> and construction of stann water improvcments. It is expectcd that construction on <br /> 3 buildings/16 units arc expcctcd to be rcady for occupancy by the spring of 2006. <br /> -Phase 2: Summer 2006 - The developer expects to begin construction on the <br /> remaining 4 buildings/14 units (prcsumably 1-14) with expected occupancy of <br /> these units by the Spring of2007. <br /> Extcnsions beyond 2007 shall requirc application to the City Council for revicw and <br /> approval. At the time of application for cxtensions, the City Council may include such <br /> conditions of approval as they detemline nccessary for compliance with City Code. <br />. 4. 30 office condominium uses have becn proposcd for dcvelopment on individual lots. <br /> Only one business shall be pemlitted to occupy any onc lot within thc developmcnt. <br /> It is acceptable for onc business to occupy marc than one lot; howcver one business <br /> shall not occupy marc than six (6) units within the dcvelopment. <br />