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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 5 <br />. 5. In the evcnt that retail uscs replacc the oftice uscs proposed for developmcnt, such <br /> retail uses as pcrmittcd through thc Ncighborhood Busincss District shall not occupy <br /> morc than 30% of the units in the proposed dcvclopment. The hours of such <br /> busincsses shall comply with Neighborhood Business District regulations for hours of <br /> operation. <br /> 6. Restaurants which arc listed as spccial uses for the Ncighborhood Business District <br /> shall rcquirc a Spccial Use Permit and shall bc rcquired to follow the standard public <br /> hcaring and Special Use PClmit process prior to occupying any space within the <br /> developmcnt. <br /> 7. Residcntial use shall not be allowed to occupy any of thc units in thc proposed <br /> dcvelopment. <br /> 8. The applicant shall submit a rcvised landscape plan tt-x review and approval by the <br /> City Planncr prior to the issuance of building permits. The rcvised landscape plan <br /> shall include a mixturc of coniferous and deciduous trees along the wcst buffer yard <br /> of the development. Thc mixture of landscaping shall adequately screen the <br /> developmcnt from the residential propertics to thc west. <br /> 9. A comprehcnsive sign plan shall be established to address signage within thc <br /> developmcnt and shall be included with thc Planned Unit Dcvelopmcnt document. <br />. The comprehcnsivc sign plan will cstablish sign standards ttlr all signage within thc <br /> development. <br /> 10. Rcvised plans showing sidewalk conncctions, throughout thc dcvelopment and to the <br /> City and County trail systems, shall be submitted to thc City Planncr and City <br /> Engincer for rcview and approval prior to the issuance ofbuilding peOllits. <br /> 11. All mcchanical operating cquipmcnt shall bc screened to mcct City regulations. <br /> 12. A reviscd lighting plan shall be submitted to the City Planner for review and approval <br /> prior to the issuance of building pcrmits. Such plan shall include any acccnt lighting <br /> on thc buildings and also shall meet the City requircmcnts for levels of illumination <br /> on adjoining rcsidential property. The applicant shall also fuOlish the City Planner <br /> with lighting cut sheets for lighting fixtures proposcd in thc development. <br /> 13. Decorativc paintcd fencing (like painted wrought iron fencing) shall be erected <br /> around thc pond at thc north cast comer of the property to protect pcdestrians from <br /> falling into the pond. <br /> 14. Execution of a PUD Pennit draftcd by thc City AttoOley and approved by thc City <br /> Council prior to thc issuancc of a Building Permit. <br />. 15. Satistaction of the park dcdieation requirements as approvcd by the City Council. <br /> 16. The applicant shall submit an application fllr a Final plat within six (6) months <br /> following City Council approval of the PUD and Preliminary Plat. <br />