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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 10 <br /> No.7: Prohibits residential use of any of the units in the proposed development. We <br />. agree with this condition. <br /> No.9: Recommends establishment of a comprehensive sign plan tor the development. <br /> As pointed out in our previous comments dated May 24, we regard 30 square feet of <br /> wall sign permit unit as excessive, whether in the foml of an upright panel about 3 x 5 <br /> with a light over it or the horizontal elongated "optional" panels ahout 2 x 10 shown on <br /> the building elevation sheet. <br /> A very similar development in Lakeville hy the same company with substantially <br /> identical building elevations uses much more discrete wall signs, per the photographs we <br /> have submitted. If this works in Lakeville, it can work in Arden Hills. We strongly <br /> recommend that the Planning Commission specity that type and size of all sign (only) <br /> only for this development. <br /> Notwithstanding the staffs interpretation of how the square t()Otage of the tree standing <br /> entrance monument sign would he calculated, ifs the 30 wall signs and not the entrance <br /> sign that represent our concem. <br /> No. 12: Recommend submission ora revised lighting plan. <br /> As stated in our previous submission, we recommend elimination of the light pole and <br /> the southenunost three or more parking stalls adjacent to lot 20, which is the closest to <br /> residences at 1389 and 1390 Arden View Drive. As pointed out on page 12, the lighting <br />. proposed along the south houndary of the development is in excess of requirements tor <br /> adjoining residential property. <br /> Comments on sections of the memorandum other than the 17 specific conditions: <br /> I) Access. <br /> As pointed out in the Plan Review Comments under item "0" on page 13, and <br /> notwithstanding the equivocal approval implied in the traffic study, access to the <br /> development from Hamline A venue will be prohlematie and will contribute to <br /> congestion already existing as times south of Highway 96 at the Arden View Drive <br /> entrance. We direct the attention of Planning Commission members to the <br /> recommendation on page 15 of Attachment 4b-3, the TratTic Impact Report, to <br /> ''Construct larger than required radius (50 foot radius iffeasiblc) on the northwest and <br /> southwest comers of the Hamline A venue/Karth Lake Circle/Site Access intersection <br /> to improve tranic t10w in and out of the site." No such radiuses arc shown on the <br /> plat, and in fact, there is a very large wood utility pole right at the northwest comer. <br /> Among other things, we urge the Planning Commission to require the plat to show <br /> such radiuses and that they be constructed. <br /> 2) Landscape lot area. <br /> In our May 24 comments under "Drainage:' we questioned the applicanf s claim of <br /> "40.3% open space" and requested professional eonfimlation. As indicated in item <br />. 4A on page 13, staff has calculated the landscape lot area to be closer to 33(Yo, about <br /> 5,000 square feet helow NB zoning requirements of 35% in view of the latter's <br /> exclusion of areas less than 10 feet in width or less than 500 square teet in area. <br /> Replacement of 15 parking spaces in three areas selected by statI' but not specifically <br /> identified would increase landscape lot area to at least 35%, still well below the <br />