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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 9 <br /> improve the background appearance of the office park in addition to allowing AHNA to <br />. retain its wooded appcarance. <br /> Thank you for your consideration'" <br /> Elwood F. Caldwell. 1451 Arden Vicw Drive, stated "The Arden Hills North Homes <br /> Association, which reprcsents the owners of thc 140 townhomes directly south of and <br /> adjacent to the proposed developmcnt, stands by its comments addressing to Planning <br /> Commission mcmbers dated May 24, 2005 and attached with other appcndices to the <br /> staff memorandum dated June L 2005 by Peter Hellegers, City Planner. The additional <br /> comments below apply tirst to the 17 spccific conditions upon which thc staWs <br /> recommendation is contingcnt, and then to other section of the mcmorandum. <br /> At thc outset, many of the 17 conditions dcal with the technical details of implementing a <br /> complcx projcct, for which the stall is to be commcnded, and which call for no special <br /> comment from us, as intcrcsted as we arc in the projcct. This applics to Nos. 1 -3, X, 10, <br /> 11, and 13-17. <br /> Our comments on thc other conditions arc as follows: <br /> No.4: Uscs proposed tc.)r thc development. <br /> We agrce that only one busincss should bc permitted to occupy anyone lot, but do not <br /> find it acceptable that onc business may occupy as many as six lots. Although office uses <br />. arc currcntly proposed, NB zoning includes clinics, a host of rctail uscs (specifically 33 <br /> arc namcd in thc ordinance), and restaurants with a Spccial Use Pcrmit. The staff <br /> analysis on page 4 states "If ... the Planning Commission did not want a retail use, which <br /> is otherwise pennittcd in the NB district, a condition should be addcd to the PUD <br /> documcnt. .. W c strongly advocatc the addition of such a condition, applicable to retail <br /> and restaurants. A retail business owning as many as six or even thrcc units could <br /> occupy an entirc building. <br /> Morcover, it is possible, indced likely, that individual owncrs may attempt to sublease a <br /> part of thcir spacc to another busincss, especially with the eleven walkout units having <br /> separatc lower cntranccs. We strongly oppose this and urgc the Planning Commission to <br /> do the same. Notc on page 5 it says "If thc desire of the Planning Commission is to <br /> maintain thc units as one user pcr unit, then a conditions should be added to the PUD <br /> document to that etTcct'" <br /> No.5: Applied a 30(~() limit (i.e., 9 of the 30 units) to the replacement by retail of the <br /> office uses now proposed. <br /> Since as indicated above wc oppose any replacement of office use by retail, we regard <br /> this condition as irrelevant. Under it, and if the acceptability of a busincss occupying as <br /> many as six lots is not changed and retail is not prohibited, one whole six-unit building or <br /> two three-unit buildings could be occupied by what would effectively bc onc rctail <br /> business. <br />. No.6: Points out that restaurants could occupy space within thc dcvelopment with a <br /> Spccial Usc Permit. As with No.5 abovc, if retail and restaurant uses arc prohibited by a <br /> provision in the PUD document, as wc advocatc, this condition is ilTclcvant. <br />