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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE l, 2005 13 <br />. once the TCAAP area was dcveloped. He also expressed concem ahout his propcrty <br /> value decreasing. He believed the development would look better and tit in better where <br /> the shopping center was located up on Highway 96. <br /> Jan Cather Weavcr, 1435 Arden View Drive, stated she would also likc a herm as <br /> previously suggested. She exprcssed concem rcgarding the landscaping on the front side <br /> of Highway 96. She asked how the buildings would be landscaped so thcy did not look <br /> like a shopping mall or rental units with all of the asphalt. She expressed concem about <br /> the wildlife and requested that the wildlife not be disrupted with this development. She <br /> asked who would manage any vacated unit. She believed there was a lack of interest in <br /> this type of a development in the City. She asked if the traffic study had takcn into <br /> consideration the increase of trattic in the next tive to ten years. She expressed concern <br /> that Arden View Com1 would be used as a "u" tUlll. She stated she bought her home <br /> because it was a quiet neighborhood and expressed conCClll about the human ecology of <br /> Arden View Drive and Arden Hills. <br /> Mike Black stated with respect to traffic, they had a report fi'om a professional engineer <br /> trained in traffic and there was a very detailed report done tor this area. He stated based <br /> on this zoning, land use and development, the tratlic heing generated from this project <br /> would not have a significant impact to the traffic. He indicated during high traffic times, <br /> people would seck the easiest way in and out so there might be an occasional "U" tum. <br /> He stated this was no different than anywhere somebody went. lIe suggested the City <br /> have their engineer review the report. He noted the study had also becn reviewed by the <br />. Ramsey County Engincer, who had also agreed that this was an appropriate traffic <br /> generated use for this location. He understood the frustrations the residents had with the <br /> traffic, but those conditions were thcre today and providing a second way of ingress and <br /> egress was a must to make this development a viahle project. He stated it was better to <br /> provide for disbursement of traHic rather than having one access point and he did not <br /> believe they could get the County's pernlission to cut an access into Highway 96. He <br /> noted witJi the benn, thcy would need a minimum of 70 teet, which was not possible <br /> unless the residents wanted pm1 of the berm on their property. He indicated they could <br /> look at a slight benn, but he was not sure it would work and thcre was a concem with <br /> proper drainage also. He suggested they walk along the huffer area and add more <br /> landscaping if needed. He stated landscaping was not an issue and if they wanted <br /> additional landscaping, they were willing to do that. He did not believe they would <br /> negatively impact property values and in fact, helievcd the property values would rise. <br /> He noted this was a high end, quality office development and the value of this <br /> development would increase the property values in the area. He stated they wcre willing <br /> to discuss with staff with restricting retail and restaurants and it was their intention of <br /> having this strictly an office complex. With respect to the walkway along the westerly <br /> edge, they would look at that area and attempt to provide some curves in that walkway <br /> with additional landscaping, noting they were limited in space. With respect to the <br /> dumpster location, all of the dumpsters would be bricked and roofed with a wood gated <br /> front. Those dumpsters would bc small accessory huildings that would be visually <br /> pleasing. He stated ir they could tind another location, they would work with staff on <br />. that. With respeet to quality of life, he helieved one reason they were here tonight was <br /> because they recognized the quality of life in this area and they saw a strong market tor <br /> this type of a development. He statcd they have had a trcmendous amount of calls <br /> rcgarding this developmCllt and knew that this developmcnt was going to be successful. <br /> He indicated with any development, the wildlite and neighborhood would be disturbed, <br />