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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -- JUNE 1,2005 14 <br /> but this area was ideal tor this type or a development and it was a friendly, compatible <br />. use to the area. He believed once they were done with the development, the wildlife <br /> would come back into the area. He stated this development was only slightly modified <br /> trom the ordinances. He notcd they had 40 perccnt open space and he helieved they wcre <br /> wcll within the spirit and intent of the Neighborhood Business zoning. He requested the <br /> Commission recommend this proposal to go forward to the City Council. _ He stated thcy <br /> were willing to accept all of the conditions noted in statTs report. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmerman asked about unit tumover. Mr. Black statcd these units would be <br /> handled the exact same way as a townhome association would handle vacant units and <br /> the maintenance would be an ongoing rcsponsibility of the association. <br /> Commissioner Bczdicek asked if they had completed a feasihility study. Mr. Black <br /> replied their teasibility study was their experience and being ahle to successfully build <br /> and close these types of developments, as well as a tremendous amount or phone calls <br /> they had received. He noted they would complete this project in two years. <br /> Commissioner Bezdicek asked if they would have a cel1ain amount of their Phase one <br /> sold prior to start of construction. Mr. Black stated they would not proceed with the <br /> project if they felt it would fail and thcy were eontident that they would procecd with the <br /> tirst phase and did not see any reason why they would not start the second phase. He <br /> stated they have had 10 units that have already heen asked about. <br />. Commissioner Larson asked if thcre would be any multi-tenant units. Mr. Black replicd <br /> therc would be no multi-tenant units and they were not proposing that typc of a sct up. <br /> Mr. Caldwell rcquested they not adopt this tonight unless they wcre going to inelude the <br /> provisions in the PUD document they were recommending. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmerman closed thc public hearing comment at 9:32 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman statcd he believed with the additional tive rccommcndations <br /> given tonight by staff and the comments made hy at this puhlic hearing, this needed to be <br /> tabled for fm1her evaluation. Hc indicated he had studicd this t()r a couplc of days and <br /> there were a lot of things brought torward tonight that had not becn considered and by <br /> tahling this would give everyone a bctter chance to understand how this project worked. <br /> Commissioner McClung concuned with thosc comments. He stated he lived in this part <br /> of the City and the traffic has suhstantially changed in the past tew ycars. He helicved <br /> they had some serious traffic challenges that necded to be looked at. He ex pressed <br /> conccrn ahout the trail and having ten feet hetween the huilding and the edge of the trail <br /> was not user friendly. lie suggcsted they provide more dcpth hetwecn the trail and the <br /> building. He stated he was not comt'()11able approving this tonight due to the additional <br /> conditions given by staff tonight as well as the commcnts received by the public. <br />. Mr. Clark stated they could continue this to the July 6 mecting and thcn turn this around <br /> to the July 11 City Council meeting. <br />