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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 15 <br /> Commissioner Bezdicek moved, seconded hy Commissioner McClung, to table the <br />. public hearing on Planning Case No. 05-]2 to the July 6, 2005 Planning Commission <br /> meeting. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (6-0). <br /> Commissioner Larson moved, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to move their July <br /> 13 Planning Commission meeting buck to the original July 6, 2005 meeting date. <br /> The motion catTied unanimously (6-0). <br /> UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br /> None. <br /> REPORTS <br /> A. Planning Commissionc."s <br /> Commissioncr Larson asked if there was any way they could pull signage out of an <br /> approval and staff could approve signage, unless there was a variance involved. Mr. <br /> Clark replied on a regular development, they could put in a provision that applicant had <br /> to adhere to the sign ordinance, but in a PUD it became complicated. He stated one of <br />. the struggles was the City had a very restrictive sign ordinance. <br /> B. Staff <br /> None. <br /> e. Council Member <br /> Mayor Aplikowski updated the Commission on reccnt City Council actions. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Commissioner Bezdicek moved, seconded hy Commissioner Larson to adjoulll thc <br /> mecting at 10:00 p.m. The motion curried unanimously (6-0). <br />. <br />