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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - SEPTEMBER 7,2005 3 <br /> . Richard K.otoski, applicant, statcd the lot was odd sized, but it was a large lot. He noted <br /> the building envelope of the lot was 6,1 75 square feet (VIr. Hellegers later stated the <br /> correct building envelope was approximately 3,087.50 squarc feet due to the triangular <br /> shape of the property). He stated the lot was perrect for a walk-out, two-story home. He <br /> presented two home examples. He stated they would not be asking for a variance and the <br /> lot was large enough for the type of home hc was proposing to bui Id. <br /> Commissioner McClung stated he \vas concemcd about thc buildable space and how <br /> applicant was going to deal with the grade change. He asked how that would he <br /> addressed. Mr. K.otoski rcplied the garage would be at the higher level and there would <br /> not he a significant amount of grading that would occur. He noted the lower level would <br /> be a walk-out to thc side. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman asked if :vir. Kotoski had bought the property for <br /> development. Mr. Kotoski replied that \vas correct. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked if the drainage would be to the back of the lots. Mr. Kotoski <br /> replicd they would not be creating new drainage and the draining would be left as it was <br /> now. <br /> Commissioner Larson notcd they could not drain onto neighboring properties. Mr. <br /> Kotoski rcplied the drainage would bc kept on this land. <br /> . Commissioner Bezdicek asked if the drainage on Lot 1 would go to Lot 2, or away from <br /> the property. Mr. Kotoski rcplied the drainage would go to thc back of the property a\vay <br /> from it. <br /> Chair Sand asked ifthc grading plan was that submitted with the final plat. Mr. Hellegers <br /> responded applicant would need a water drainage plan so it would not affect neighboring <br /> properties. <br /> Chair Sand asked if this would be a condition of approval. Mr. Hcllegcrs replied they <br /> could add that as a condition of their approval. <br /> Chair Sand rcquested a condition be added that a grading and drainage plan be submitted <br /> and reviewed by staff and the City Engineer prior to any pellnits being issucd. <br /> Chair Sand asked what the property to the south or applicanfs property was. Mr. <br /> Kotoski replied it was the railroad. <br /> Commissioner Thompson asked if staIr had been in contact with the owners of Lot 19. <br /> Mr. Hellegers replied the rcsidents of Lot 19 had been notified of this public hearing, but <br /> he had not heard anything from thosc residents. <br /> Mr. Kotoski stated he wanted to plat this development with nice, acsthetic lots prcserving <br /> . as many trees as possible. <br /> Commissioner Bezdicek asked if the building envelopc would be 3,000 square-fcct. Mr. <br /> Kotoski responded that was correct. <br />