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<br /> . ARDEN HTLLS PLANNING COMMISSION - SEPTEMBER 7,2005 5 <br /> . Commissioner Bezdicek asked if the City has set precedence in this area previously. Mr. <br /> Hellegers responded the City has approved variances for similar variance rcquests in this <br /> neighborhood where the applicant was replacing an existing garage. <br /> Chair Sand opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br /> Chair Sand invited anyone for or against the variance to come forward and make <br /> comment. <br /> There were no comments made. <br /> Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 7:51 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Thompson asked if thcy had heard anything from the adjacent resident. <br /> Mr. Hcllcgers respondcd hc had not heard anything from them. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman moved, scconded by Commissioner Thompson to approve <br /> Planning Case No. 05-20, Paul Ruppel, 1541 Millpond Ct., Chaska, MN; for a 5-foot side <br /> yard setback accessory variance to allow for the construction of a new garage in <br /> approximately the same location as the existing garage and makes the findings that the <br /> variance meets the hardship criteria and would not have <HI adverse impact on <br /> SUlTollllding prope11ies or the City as a whole. <br /> . Thc motion calTied unanimollsly (6-0). <br /> C. PLANNING CASE 05-07: CITY OF ARDEN HILLS. 1245 'v. HIGH'V AY 96~ <br /> ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT (COVERED FRONT PORCH <br /> REGULATION) <br /> Mr. Hellegers stated previously the Commissioners discussed and considered Ordinance <br /> #366 which would amend section 6.C.2.d of the Zoning Ordinance by inserting new <br /> suhsection 6.C.2.d.3 into the Zoning Ordinance, allO\ving for front porches of up to ten <br /> feet and with a minimum setback of 25 feet from thc front or sidc-yard corner property <br /> lines, which mcet design standards to be allowed subject to staff review and approval in <br /> areas where the plats were created with setbacks less than 40 feet. He stated since it was <br /> not anticipated that whole neighborhoods had different setbacks thaOthe Zoning District <br /> standards the idea of a diffcrent allowance for covered front porchcs III such <br /> neighborhoods seems to bc fair. Therefore, staff recommends approval of Ordinance <br /> #366. <br /> Chair Sand opencd the public hearing at 8:09 p.m. <br /> Chair Sand invited anyone tor or against the amcndment to come lorward and make <br /> comment. <br /> . Joan Furlong('?sp), 704 Chatham Circle, stated they were looking to put a front porch on <br /> her home, as well as other residents in her neighborhood. She noted because of the <br /> setback, they wcre not allowed under the current code to put on a porch. She indicated <br /> they could put an overhang on their front stoop, but this was not what they wcre looking <br /> for. She requested the Commissioners approve this request. <br />