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PC Packets 2007
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<br /> " <br /> tt ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - DECEMBER 6, 2006 3 <br /> to his father and the logo was being proposed to remain as depicted and is on the current <br /> . sign. He noted the only thing they might add is their phone number underneath the logo, <br /> Commissioncr Thompson askcd if American Car Care Centcrs was related to the <br /> business, Mr. Lchnhoff responded it was related to the business, <br /> Mr. Brausen noted Amcrican Car Care Centers was their franchise. He asked if thcy <br /> could speed up the timc and temperature to less than 30 seconds and then leave the <br /> advertising on for 30 seconds. <br /> Mr. Reiter, sign representative, stated if they could put the time and temperature up for 5 <br /> scconds that would be sufficient. He noted they could display both time and temperature <br /> at the same time. He noted a message for ten scconds was a long time for a messagc to <br /> display, He believed ten seconds was sufficient for a message. <br /> Chair Sand asked if he was suggesting a two mcssage change, one with time and <br /> temperature and onc with a message. Mr. Ricter responded that was COlTect. He stated <br /> they wanted to run this sign responsibly. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked if a five sccond time and temperature and a ten second <br /> message was sufficient. Mr. Reiter responded they could try that and see if it worked. <br /> Mr. Lehnhoff noted when he checked with othcr citics, those cities did not always <br /> . specifically regulate the timing of thc signage. Instead, other cities lcft it open to be <br /> determined for each sign based on location, use, and the potential for driver distraction, <br /> Chair Sand stated he believed they should leave it up to the sign cxpert as to what would <br /> work and statr could check this. Mr. Lehnhoff suggested they have a "bottom number" <br /> so staffhad some boundary to work with. <br /> Commissioner Zimmennan stated he did not want a scrolling sign and 5-10 seconds was <br /> .... dose to scrolling. He rccommended a longer period of time (i.e, 20 seconds), He noted <br /> LL this would maximize the most people coming by. Mr. Brausen stated they did not object <br /> <r to having the message on longer, but he would like the time and temperature left on for a <br /> shorter period of time, <br /> ~ <br /> Mr. Rieter suggested they just start out with a number and see how it went. <br /> Chair Sand recommended Condition 4 be revised to read: The electronic mcssage center <br /> shall not change mcssages morc frcquently th,ill once per 5 seconds and shall be subject <br /> to adjustment by the City in accordance with Condition 10 below. Mr. Brausen stated he <br /> was agrceable to this. <br /> Chair Sand moved, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to modify Condition 4 to read: <br /> The electronic message center shall not change messages more frequently than once per 5 <br /> . seconds and shall be subject to adjustment by the City in accordance with Condition 10 <br /> below. <br /> The motion carried (4-2) (Commissioners Larson and Zimmcnnan opposed). <br />
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