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PC Packets 2007
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<br /> "- <br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - DECEMBER 6, 2006 2 ~ <br /> 1. Thc project shall be completed in aecordance with thc plans submitted. Any . <br /> significant changes to these plans, as detemlined by the City Planner, shall require <br /> rcview and approval by the Planning Commission. <br /> 2. The new sign shall be locatcd in the same location of the sign for which it will <br /> replace. <br /> 3. Advertising not related to the businesses at 1306 and 1310 County Road E shall be <br /> strictly prohibited. This condition shall not prohibit non-commcrcial messages. <br /> 4. The electronic message center shall not change mcssages more than once per thirty <br /> seconds. <br /> 5. Thc electronic messagc center shall not use multi-frame messages. <br /> 6. Thc messages shall not flash, scroll, or use animated pictures or animatcd logos. <br /> 7. The text on the mcssage center shall be monochrome in appearance. <br /> 8. The brightness of the message center shall be modified for daylight and nighttime <br /> operational hours so as to not to distract automobile traffic. The City may require the <br /> applicant to adjust the brightness of the sign if the City detemlined that the sign is <br /> distracting drivers. <br /> 9. Thc 1310 County Road E property shall not be permitted to have any pemlanent <br /> freestanding signs as long as the property has a freestanding sign on the 1306 County <br /> Road E property. <br /> 10, The applicant shall agree to change the forms of message cntry, thc form of message <br /> exit, message centcr brightncss, the frequency of mcssage changes, and other aspects <br /> of thc electronic message board if the City determines that the sign is or could be <br /> distracting drivers, . <br /> 11. The applicant shall comply with future City regulations that rcgulate the brightness, <br /> mcssage frequency, mcssage entry, message exit, animation, and other applicable <br /> regulations of electronic message board signs. The operation of thc electronic <br /> message board in this application shall not be grandfathcred in with future regulatory <br /> changes regarding eleetronic message board signs. <br /> l4 12. If any of the conditions arc violated, the City shall reserve the right to have the <br /> electronie message centcr shut down for one day for each offensc. Each violation of <br /> ~ the conditions of operation shall be considered a separate offense and shut down days <br /> can accumulate. This provision shall not restrict or remove the City's right to pursue <br /> other legal options for enforcing thc conditions of this application ,md other City <br /> Q regulations. <br /> He also recommended adding a condition 13 stating: The City Attorncy shall prepare a <br /> sign opcration agreement that shall be subject to the City Council approval. The sign <br /> operation agrccment shall be signed by the property owner. <br /> Chair Sand stated as he understood it, therc would be three messages (time, tempcrature, <br /> and advertising). He asked if this was three messages or one message. Mr. Lehnhoff <br /> responded the timc would be up for 30 seconds, the temperature would be up for 30 <br /> seconds, and the advertising specials would be up for 30 seconds. He noted not all three <br /> messagcs would be up for 30 seconds total, and there may be morc than onc advertising <br /> message. . <br /> Commissioncr Larson asked if the sign shown was going to read the way it was presented <br /> with respcet to the referencc to gas. Mr. Brausen, applicant, stated the logo was a tribute <br />
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