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<br /> on Novcmber 27, 2006, subjcct to the original 17 conditions, the ncw condition 18, and that the <br />. final plat application must be submitted no later than Decembcr 31, 2006. <br /> Typically, a final plat review is needed because changes were madc to the proposed layout of the <br /> lots during thc prcliminary plat review that must be reflected on thc final Plat. In this case, none <br /> of the conditions for thc preliminary plat approval impacted the layout of the lot boundarics on <br /> the Final Plat. Sincc therc are not any changes to the layout of the lots in this Final Plat <br /> application, this particular application is morc of a status check to confirm that the proposed lots <br /> on the preliminary plat conI' 01111 to the proposed lots on the Final Plat and that the conditions <br /> applicable to the final Plat havc been completed. <br /> or the eighteen conditions imposed on the preliminary plat, eight conditions arc required to be <br /> completed or submitted bcllxe thc Final Plat is eithcr approved by the City or filed with Ramsey <br /> County. The eight conditions related to the final plat, which are listed by the condition number <br /> rrom the preliminary plat app,roval, and the status of those conditions is as follows: <br /> l. Easement Vacation, The plat shall bc contingcnt upon approval of a request to vacate a <br /> portion of the utility casement for the drivcway on proposcd Lot 3. <br /> ;\ small portion of the utility casement for the City's lift station on Lot 3 needs to be <br /> vacatcd for thc drivcway to the building pad on Lot 3. An casement vacation requires a <br /> public hearing bctixc the City Council, and that will bc schcdubl for the same meeting <br /> when thc Final Plat is rcviewed by thc Council. The casement is contingent upon <br /> approval of the plat, and the plat is contingent upon approval of thc casement. <br />. Thc applicant has submitted thc necessary applications materials and fee for the casement <br /> vacation. <br /> .... Final Plat Submissioll. The applicant shall submit thc final plat and application to the <br /> .L <br /> ('ity of Arden Hills within threc months of the preliminary plat approval date or the <br /> apprO\al shall expire unless an extcnsion is granted by the City Council. The linal plat <br /> shall renect all changes requireJ in the conditions or approval for the preliminary plat. <br /> The final plat submission dcadline had bcen Octobcr 31, 2006. Ilowcver, on Novcmbcr <br /> 27. 200(), thc City Council granted an extension to Amities Coast to submit thc final plat <br /> application no later than Dccembcr 31. 2006. The rinal plat was submittcd on December <br /> 4, 2006. <br /> 5. Drainage and Utilit" East'ments. The applicant shall include a 12 loot drainage and <br /> utility cascment centered on all common lot lines, and a 12 Il)ot drainagc and utility <br /> casement along the right-of--way. <br /> ('ill" I!/,J ri/('f{ Hills <br /> I'll/Ill/ill!!, ('oll/II/issio/l !\[e('lilly,j(ir Fe/JrUl//T " __'00; <br />. ' ,~klr,,-ill't.lIs",ardL'I1'"II, I'lanning'J'lanlling (,"ases' 2111)('-.I)()-03X :\ll1iti~s Clla,[ Finall'lat WEN I )IN(; 1',,0 112117 1'(" Rl'pmt - ,\lllil;l'S !'illal <br /> I'la1.du\'" <br /> P.lgC 3 of 7 <br />