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<br /> The final plat meets or excecds the minimum 12 foot drainage and utility casement <br /> requirement. The wetlands along thc westcrn end of the prope11y are also included in the . <br /> drainagc casement, Assuming the Council approves vacating a portion of the utility <br /> easemcnt on Lot 3, the remaining uti lity casement for the pump station is shown on thc <br /> Final Plat. <br />(l. Park Dedication Fee. The applicant shall pay a park dedication fee as detcrmined by thc <br /> City Council at the time the final plat is approved. <br /> Section I 130.08 Subd. 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance permits the City to require all <br /> subdivisions to dedicate a portion of their land for recreation and conservation purposes. <br /> Depending on City need and the appropriatencss of a land dedication in a given area, the <br /> City Council may requirc a park dedication fee in lieu of a land dedication. Although the <br /> applicant is not proposing a land dedication, a subdivision rcsulting in t\VO new <br /> residential lots eould require a land dedication of six percent, which would be .17 acres or <br /> ahout 7,4 75 square leet. Given the smalJ sizc and location of a potential land dedication, a <br /> park dedication fec may be more appropriatc then a land dedication, which is permitted <br /> under Section 1130.08 Subd. 20 of the City Code. <br /> I r a park dedication lee is accepted in lieu of a land dedication, thc park dedication fee <br /> could be as high as six percent of the land value of the property at the time of finaJ plat is <br /> appron:d. The 2007 land markd value according to Ramscy County records is $464,500 <br /> Based on the Ramsey County assesscd value, the maximum park dedication fee for the <br /> entire property \vould bc $27,870 or $6,967.50 per lot. However, the City can only <br /> charge for the two additional lots created in the plat. Applying the required credit f()r the . <br /> two existing lots would set the park dedication fee for thc two new lots at a maximum of <br /> $13.935 or $6.967.50 per lot. Thesc numbers assume that all four lots have the same <br /> value. The applicant can submit an independent appraised valuc of the lots if thcy so <br /> dcsire, <br /> Although the subdivision ordinancc provides a guidc for calculating the park dedication <br /> fcc, the City Council docs have the discrction to reduce thc park dedication fce if the <br /> circumstances warrant a reduction. For example, State Statutcs require the City to give <br /> due consideration to the open space, recrcational, or common areas and l~lcilities open <br /> to the public that the applicant proposcs to reserve for thc subdivision (4()2.358 Subd <br /> 2,h.(d)), The wetlands could be considered as protected opcn space on the lot; however, <br /> the wetland arca would not be open f()r public use. <br /> While the Planning Commission can providc a rccommendation to the City Council <br /> regarding thc park dedication fce, the park dedication fee is ultimately set by the City <br /> COLlIlCi I. <br />('ill' of..lrclt'll lfills <br />PIll/mill,!!. ("Ollllllissioll ;\fCelillg.fl1l" Fehmm:\' /, J007 <br />\1eln>-inct.lIs'anknlirlls,I'/:",nin!,' Planning I 'Jscs\~IJO(;\I,)(l-(J3~ ..\llIitics ("(last Final!,lat (I'I'NDIN( i I',() 11207 PC I{cpurt - J\mitics Final . <br />!'" <br /> Page'" of 7 <br />