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<br /> . EMERGENCY OPERATIONS C~=NTER (EOC) <br /> I. Check f()r Waming System activities <br /> 2. Alert thc Mayor and Council by land line telephone or cell phone <br /> ^' Activate thc Emcrgency Operations Center <br /> .J. <br /> 4. Alert the Emergency Preparedness Staff <br /> ') Hook up the cmergency communications system <br /> 6. Initiate the Action Log and Record Filc <br /> ..~ Establish contact with Ramsey County Homeland Security and Emcrgency Operations, Ramsey <br /> I. <br /> County Shcrin~ and Lake Johanna Fire Department <br /> k. Brief Mayor, COllnciL and StaIr on conditions of cmcrgcncy <br /> <). Asscmble and brief disastcr rccovcry pcrsonnel <br /> . 10. Dispatch disastcr personnel and survey tcams <br /> II. Dispatch damagc assessmcnt tcams to disaster area <br /> 12. Review data and reports fl.)!' declaration of emergency <br /> i3. Respond to changing conditions as appropriate <br /> 14, Assist e1ectcd oflicials in preparation 0 f press release <br /> . <br /> 7 <br />