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<br /> Direction and Control <br /> . <br /> The dircction and control of government operations from a central, protected facility with adcquate <br /> communications and kcy pcrsonnel is essential to the conduct of emcrgency operations. This hlcility <br /> will be known as thc Arden I-Jills Emcrgcncy Opcrating Ccnter (EOe) located in the Council Chambers <br /> at Ardcn Hills City Hall. Alternate locations for thc EOC arc the Lake Johanna Fire Station #1, 3246 <br /> New Brighton Road, Ardcn Hills, (651) 633-0349, and the Ramsey County Emcrgcncy Services Ofticc, <br /> 1425 Paul Kirkwold Drive, Arden Hills, (651) 266-7100. <br /> I. Criteria ror EOC Activation <br /> The degrec of Arden Hills EOC activation will be dctennincd by thc severity of the emergency. <br /> · The EOC may bc paJ1j~dJy activated due to a potential threat to life or property from sevcre <br /> weather, i.c., tomado, flooding, blizzard, civil disturbance, biological. or a hazardous materials <br /> incident/accident that is an uncontrollcd release of a reportable product. <br /> . Thc EOC will bc fylly acJjvateq in responsc to an emergcncy resulting in a threat to life and <br /> property. This would include, but is not limited to, tornado touchdown or flooding causing <br /> damage to the public and private sector and requiring a coordinated responsc effort, or a <br /> biological-hazardous materials incident/accident involving the responsc of scvcral agcncies, <br /> including fedcral and state, as well as surrounding counties and municipalities. <br /> 2. Responsibility ror EOC Activation . <br /> In the event of a major disastcr, City staff would bc expectcd to automatically rcport to the EOC <br /> (City Hall); however, the City of Arden Hills Emergency Managcmcnt Dircctor is rcsponsible for <br /> ensuring that the EOC is activated according to the critcria discussed above. <br /> 3. Staffing or the EOC <br /> The stafling list for the Arden Hills EOC is on file with the Arden Hills Emcrgcncy Management <br /> Director. Each department/agency which is rcpresented in the EOC is responsible f()r cnsuring that <br /> its representative is familiar with the duties which hc/she is expected to perform at the EOe. (Sec <br /> Call List scction). <br /> 4. EOe Equipment/Supplies <br /> The Arden Hills Emergency Management Dircctor is responsible for ensuring that the EOC is <br /> operational. The neccssary maps. displays. tables and chairs. communications cquipmcnt, message <br /> logs, etc., are on hand and available for use in the EOe. <br /> . <br /> Ii <br />