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<br /> 5. Communications Capability <br /> . The Emergency Management Director has been given the responsihility of ensuring all <br /> communication systems (primary and alternate) are operational and communication links between <br /> response personnel and EOC operations are identified. <br /> Communication links are cstablished between the City and the t()lImving organizations: <br /> . Arden Hills departlllental units by direct connect cell phone. <br /> . Ramsey County Sheriff Dispatch by radio <br /> . County wide or statc widc channel <br /> . MINSEF emergency channel <br /> . Land line telephone <br /> (). Communications Capability-Residents <br /> Communication links may be cstablished between the City and its residents through the t()llow <br /> avenues: <br /> . Telephones <br /> . I,ocal Radio Stations <br /> . Local Television Stations <br /> . Group E-mails or list scrves <br /> . Door to door communications within the diftcrent neighborhoods <br /> . 7. Support Docu mentation <br /> Thc f()llowing support materials are kcpt on file in the Emergency Management Director"s 01tlce: <br /> . Ramsey County Emergcncy Operations Plan <br /> . City of Arden I [ills Emcrgency Operations Procedure Manual <br /> . Resource ivianuai fix lists of equipment and supplies <br /> . <br /> l) <br />