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<br /> . Emergency Operations Plan <br /> Standing Operating P.-on'dure Building Official <br /> RESPONSIBILI'fY: The Building Official sh~.1I direct all structural damage assessments <br /> within the City. Liaison with other agencies or departments will <br /> occur as necessa..y. <br /> The ICBO Ullif'(mll Di....a....ter lHitif!lltioll Plllll (Oil file ill Emt!rr:.elll:V <br /> i\;lallaf!l'mellt Director '.... Office) ....hall be the documellt J!overnillJ! <br /> dWIUlf!e'llt.\~ <br /> The following is a brief outline of steps to be followed: <br /> Step I: Contact other municipalities requesting <br /> help with assessing damage. <br /> Step 2: l\lake preliminary assessment of extent of damage <br /> (areas involved). <br /> . Sh,'p3: Set up inspection teams. Provide teams with maps. <br /> report forms. placards. flashlights. clip board. staple <br /> gun. camera. radio. hard hats. and gloves. <br /> Step 4: i\". ail out instruction letters to hOnlCO\\'iiers. <br /> Sample PlIhlic Information Release in PIO section <br /> . <br /> ~5 <br />