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<br /> Emergency Operations I)lan . <br /> Standing Operating Procedure Public Works Director <br /> IU:SPONSIBlLlTY: The Public 'Yorks Director shall coordinate all clean-up efforts <br /> arisin~ from the disaster. This may include maintenance personnel <br /> to clear streets and remove debris, and engineering shiff to assess <br /> damage to roads, bridges, etc. <br /> PUBLIC 'YORKS I>IRECTOR'S CHECKLIST <br /> I. Alert Public Works personnel <br /> 2. Obtain bricting on emergency situation <br /> --------------... . <br /> " Take count of Public Works personnel and set up recovery teams <br /> .) . <br /> 4. Review emergcncy equipment requirements <br /> ....-------- <br /> 5. Blief" crews and dispatch to emergency area <br /> ------.-------- <br /> 6. Review cmergency supply stocks . <br /> .......--------..-.------ <br /> 7. Set up ITctlrd system on pcrsonnel time. equipment time, and supplies <br /> cnnsunlption -.. -------------------..---- <br /> X. Review road clearing and emergency repair requirements <br /> l) Review debris collection and disposal requirements <br /> 10. Assign crews to tree rCllloval. boarding-up damaged structures. de. <br /> 11. Review City water system and pump operation --------.-.-- <br /> 12. Review sanitary scwer and lift station operation .....-.-...------.. <br /> 13. Review emergcncy electrical power requirements ..-- ----... .....------- <br /> 14. Revievv' stonll drainage channels and flood pronc areas . -. -----.--------- <br /> 15. Maintain map rccord of cmergency problem areas <br /> . <br /> .~6 <br />