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<br />RilIllSCj' CO//l/I1--lf"id,' /:;/I/('}:'!,CI/n' Opcrafi(ll/s f'lil// Rn-j,io// 51. .h//h'. .!(I1J5 <br />ASSUMPTIONS: . <br />A "public emergency" is described by the County Charter as "a sudden or <br />unforeseen circumstance in the county affecting life, health, property, <br />public peace, or public welfare that requires immediate County Board <br />action." (Charter, Sec. 10.04 C). For the purposes of this plan, the terms <br />"emergency" and "disaster" reference this definition. A "disaster" is an <br />emergency that has or will be expected to overwhelm the ability of local <br />resources and thus requires outside assistance. <br />The Ramsey County and municipal governments are supported by private <br />and volunteer organizations and State and Federal agencies having the <br />capabilities including personnel, equipment and supplies, to minimize the <br />loss of lives and property in the event of an emergency or disaster. <br />Emergencies will require coordination and cooperation among <br />governmental, private and volunteer organizations in order to protect lives <br />and property of Ramsey County residents. <br />The location and extent of some emergencies can be predetermined while <br />other emergencies may occur with little or no warning at unknown <br />locations. <br />Organizations and agencies tasked in this document will respond as <br />required to fulfill their responsibilities in providing for public safety during . <br />an emergency response and/or recovery operation. <br />COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS <br />1. This plan is effective immediately upon receipt. <br />2. The Ramsey County Director of Emergency Management and <br />Homeland Security is responsible for coordinating plan development <br />and maintenance. <br />a_ Each municipality and the University of Minnesota have appointed <br /> an emergency management program director. <br />b. The directors of each municipal program, and that of the University <br /> of Minnesota are responsible for maintaining and updating the <br /> sections of this plan that are specific to their individual jurisdiction, <br /> and for providing those updates to RCEMHS. <br />c. Each municipality that adopts this countywide plan as their local <br /> plan will provide a letter to that effect signed by the Chief <br /> administrative official of that municipality and indicating that the <br /> municipality has formally adopted the plan through the local <br /> procedure as established by taw or ordinance. <br />3. All agencies and organizations involved in the execution of this plan . <br />will be organized, equipped and trained to perform all designated <br /> -l <br />