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<br /> ROIIIW'l' ('011111\'. Wid,' /-;m"/g' '//(T O/I('/"(Jfi(11/\ l'/cllI Nt Tis io 11 5.1. .1/11I,'. :!()O5 <br />. responsibilities contained in this plan and its implementing instructions <br /> for both response and recovery operations. <br /> 4. All emergency response organizations are responsible for the <br /> development and maintenance of their own internal operating and <br /> notification procedures including needed SOP's and SOG's, resource <br /> lists, and checklists needed to support their operations. <br /> 5. Directors and Chiefs of all departments and organizations cited in this <br /> plan are aware and responsible for maintaining current SOPs, & <br /> SOGs, resource lists, training programs, and schedules of training for <br /> department personnel and should assign roles "3 deep" to enable 24/7 <br /> operations. <br /> 6. All organizations are responsible for filling any important vacancies; <br /> recalling personnel from leave, if appropriate; and alerting those who <br /> are absent due to other duties or assignments. <br /> 7. The "military" time system (24-hour clock) will be used as the standard <br /> for all activities involved with the execution of this plan with the <br /> exception of communications with the public or media, which will <br /> employ the civilian time system. <br /> 8. Unless directed otherwise, existing organization/agency <br />. communications systems and/or frequencies will be employed. <br /> 9. Unless directed otherwise, the release of information to the public or <br /> media will be handled through the County's Public Information Officer, <br /> using the concepts outlined in Emergency Services Function (ESF) #2. <br /> 10. Personnel designated as representatives to the RCEOC will make prior <br /> arrangements to ensure that their families are provided for in the event <br /> of an emergency to ensure a prompt, worry-free response and <br /> subsequent duty. <br /> 11. Once the RCEOC and/or any municipal EOC has beE::.. dcti""'ted, <br /> organizational and agency representatives will: <br /> . Initially, check in with the Operations Officer immediately upon <br /> arrival at the EOC for an update on the situation and to confirm <br /> table/telephone assignments. <br /> . Ensure that their organizations/agencies are kept constantly <br /> informed of the situation, including major developments, decisions <br /> and requirements. <br /> . Maintain coordination with other appropriate <br /> organiza tions/agencies. <br /> . Thoroughly brief incoming relief personnel and inform the <br />. Operations Officer of the changeover prior to departing. The <br /> briefing will include as a minimum, information on what has <br /> happened; problems encountered; actions pending; and, the <br /> " <br />