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CCP 12-08-2006 Administrator's Update
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CCP 12-08-2006 Administrator's Update
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<br /> } <br />Non-Agenda for Week Ending Friday, December 08, 2006 <br />Mayor and City Council . <br />Pagc 2 <br /> . <br />. Congressional Staff is in the process of revicwing documents associated with the Offer to <br /> Purchase, The GSA is expecting to get a recommendation for approval by the <br /> Congressional Committee, The GSA is still anticipating approval of the OTP by the <br /> Congressional Committees by January 16,2007, <br />. Karen is in the proccss of contacting potential TCAAP Master Plan Advisory Group <br /> participants, Staff anticipates bringing a recommendation to Council in January, <br />Chesapeake has completed the clean-up of their property in the Gateway Busincss District. They <br />have an interested party in a portion ofthc land and will likely do a build-to-suit project for the <br />tenant. They also anticipate bringing their final Master Plan to the Planning Commission and <br />Council in March of ncxt year. <br />James met with reprcsentatives of Bethel Univcrsity on Thursday, They are looking to move <br />forward with their new University Commons building in the first half of 2007, The new building <br />will be a focal and gathering point for the University. It will not be used to increase the overall <br />student population. <br />Recrcation news: Breakfast with Santa is this Saturday, December 9th at City Hall. Staff has <br />been busy preparing for this event.lce Rinks are coming along VERY well. We have a crew <br />coming in overnight Monday-Thursday to establish a base. Rinks arc scheduled to open on <br />December 18th, At this time, we anticipate opening on time. . <br />Boston Scientific has been generating a number of remodeling projects as they prepare to move <br />400 employees ovcr from their Maple Grove offices, They are also conducting a noise test at 4 <br />am tomorrow to ensure they are not exceeding noise levels at one of their buildings, Residents <br />have been invited to attend the test; one has accepted, <br />Senator Chaudhary and Representative-elect Knuth have been invited to the 12/18 Work Session, <br />There was a question from City Council regarding Recreation fecs, fees are evaluated each and <br />every year. The fee is based on many factors: <br />1, I f it is a cooperation program with another city, we sit down and set the same fee, and base it <br />on the factors below. <br />2, Ifit is a revenue producing program, we look at instmctor fees, equipment and supplies, and <br />any other user fees. We like to be at 35-40% profit for those types of classes, That is the direct <br />fornmla used when setting minimum and maximum class sizes, <br />3, Ifit is a special event or a program that is offered for the community (loses money or brcaks <br />even), we look at keeping the fee managcable for families while trying to cover as many <br />expenses as possible, Programs that fall under this include: Special Events (Easter Egg Hunt, <br />Breakfast with Santa, Halloween Hoopla), our Playground Program, and Summer Field Trips, <br />4, We also need to look at surrounding cities/programs on a regular basis to make sure that we <br />are consistent as far as price, We don't want to over- or under-price classes. <br /> . <br />
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