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<br /> . <br /> Page 2 of5 <br /> . <br /> premium. Council has indicated that (1) we may need to review the formula for <br /> calculating the employer contribution; and (2) the City needs to continue to explore . <br /> options and look at moving to more consumer-driven health care options, Our health <br /> insurance rates wiII increase 7% in 2007; our dental insurance rates will increase 8%, In <br /> addition, we are implementing an optional health care plan that adds deductibles and <br /> higher out-of-pocket maximums for a lower premium, Staff is recommending that the <br /> City's contribution increase from $586 to $615/month, This represents less than 50% of <br /> the increase in premiums for family coverage if an employee stays with the current plan; <br /> however, we are providing a less expensive plan (with higher employee out-of-pocket <br /> expenses). Our goal is to provide incentive to employees to move to the optional plan, <br /> which we believe will have an overall positive impact on future claims. <br /> 3, Other employee benefit rates have been included and there were no increases/changes in <br /> those rates, <br /> 4, As mentioned the budget includes the 2007 ClP projects and equipment as previously <br /> discussed by Council and shown in the attached budget document. <br /> 5. Utility rate changes as outlined in the Utility Rate Study have been included in the <br /> proposed budget. We have also adjusted for the new Water Contract with the City of <br /> RoseviIIe, <br /> 6. No new fuIl time staff positions are proposed in this budget, There is $15,600 included <br /> for a part-time Recreation Programmer. This may be an intern position or a part-time <br /> employee, The recommendation for this position is based on the need for assistance in <br /> the recreation area, as a result of upgrading the Parks and Recreation Manager position. <br /> As a result ofTCAAP, we may recommend the addition of staff and/or consultants; <br /> however, that would not be reconmlended without an identified revenue source, . <br /> ADDITIONAL BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS <br /> 1. We received payment from the League of Milmesota Cities Insurance Tmst for <br /> the fraud claim. The amount was $237,541. In 2005 the auditors booked the <br /> expected claim payment as revenue in the general fund. Council could consider a <br /> partial transfer to other funds that were affected by the fraud. <br /> 2. It is currently anticipated that the City will receive revenue from the sale of the <br /> Old City Hall/Public Works property. Staff will look to Council for direction as <br /> to where the funds should be placed. At this time, staff anticipates a need for this <br /> revenue in the Public Safety Capital Fund, but other considerations would be the <br /> general Capital Fund (PIR) or General Fund Balance. I recommend that the <br /> decision be made after the City Financial Plan is completed (anticipated in <br /> January,) <br /> 3. I have made a change in regards to the TCAAP fund, For the past several years <br /> we have been budgeting a portion of staff time to the TCAAP fund (City <br /> Administrator 15%, Community Development Director 30%, and Office Support <br /> Specialist 10%). However, this is not a common practice, and we currently have <br /> no revenue in that fund. Furthernlore, ifTCAAP did not exist, we would likely <br /> stiII have those three positions on staff and paid from the General Fund, The <br /> standard for development projects is that the portion of salaries related to <br /> development (administration, planners, building inspections, etc) arc in the <br /> general fund, and then revenue generated by the project (plan review fees, pennit . <br /> fees, increased tax base) return to the general fund to cover those costs, That is <br />