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PCP 11-01-2006
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PCP 11-01-2006
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<br />. ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -OCTOBER 4, 2006 7 <br /> 6. Best management practices shall be used to maintain erOSIOn control until <br />. constmction and landscaping are finished. Changes to the erosion control measures <br /> shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. <br /> 7. The shoreline restoration plan shall be subject to the Planning Commission and City <br /> Council approval. <br /> 8. The three proposed trees shall be replaced with a shorter species and/or shall be <br /> moved to a safe distance from the power lines along the western edge of the property. <br /> 9. The City shall prepare a development agreement that is signed by the property owners <br /> agreeing to the conditions of the site plan review and the agreement shall be subject <br /> to approval by the City Attorney. <br /> Mr. Lehnhoff noted he had received a letter from Richard Gonzalez, the property owner <br /> immediately north of this property, outlining his concerns with the proposed site plan. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked what the duration was of the financial security. Mr. <br /> Lehnhoff responded the financial security could be released after one year after the <br /> project was completed. <br /> Commissioner Larson suggested reducing the financial security for two or three years <br /> once they knew the landscaping was not dying. <br /> Commissioner Larson suggested they not put large plantings on the north property line <br /> where there was an casement in the event the City had to do maintenance or repair on the <br />. pipe. He recommended the plantings be moved off of the easement. <br /> Commissioner Larson recommended the western trees be moved to the east so they could <br /> establish themselves on the property and be trimmed if it encroached on the other <br /> property. <br /> Bob Moser, 1000 County Road E, Shoreview, representing applicant, stated as far as the <br /> Shoreland Restoration the Rice Creek Watershed recommended a large group of plants <br /> that would work as an infiltration barrier rather than large trees. He noted the Rice Creek <br /> Watershed District did not want large trees, but rather small planting. He stated the <br /> Watershed had given him a list of recommended plantings. With respect to the north side <br /> trees, the casement line was even with the northern most portion of the garage, so if they <br /> were moved, it should shift anything to the south, which would have a significant impact <br /> for the screening of the home from Lake Johanna Boulevard. In addition, the pipe was a <br /> new pipe and was unlikely that it would have to be changed. He stated as opposed to <br /> replacing the pipe, it could be lined and would not have to be dug up. He stated a nicer <br /> landscaping could be done if they were not required to stay out of the easement area. <br /> Chair Sand asked what the Rice Creek Watershed's position was on adding rip-rap to <br /> prevent erosion. Mr. Moser responded he had not checked into that, but he believed the <br /> DNR would have some say in this also. <br />. <br />
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