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PCP 11-01-2006
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PCP 11-01-2006
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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -OCTOBER 4, 2006 6 <br /> Mr. Lis requested the Commission table the variance regarding the crushed rock so the . <br /> City could look at an Ordinance amendment. Mr. Lehnhoff stated the Commission had <br /> the option to table. He recommended the tabling decision be passed onto the City <br /> Council for a decision. <br /> Commissioner Larson moved, seconded by Commissioner McClung in Planning Case <br /> 06-030 to recommend denial of the request for the two accesses to the property based on <br /> the lack of evidence showing hardship to the property if only one access is provided. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (6-0). <br /> Commissioner Larson moved, seconded by Commissioner Zimmerman in Planning Case <br /> 60-030 variance for surfacing of the driveway to recommend denial based on the failure <br /> to comply with the Zoning Ordinance and the failure to show a non-surfaced driveway is <br /> a hardship. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (6-0). <br />B. PLANNING CASE 06-028: SITE PLAN REVIEW, HIEN HGO AND NGUYET <br /> KY~ 3433 LAKE JOHANNA BOULEVARD <br /> Mr. Lehnhoff stated applicant has volunteered to have their landscaping plan for 3433 <br /> Lake Johanna Boulevard reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council due to . <br /> a clear-cutting violation of the Shoreland Ordinance. Staff recommended approval of the <br /> Site Plan Review based on the submitted plans and eleven findings of fact and subject to <br /> the following conditions: <br /> 1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted within one <br /> year from the date of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined <br /> by the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Plmming Commission. <br /> 2. The applicant shall obtain and submit a copy to the City all necessary permits from <br /> the Rice Creek Watershed District before a building permit is issued. <br /> 3. The applicant shall submit a final surety in the anlOunt of 125 percent of the estimated <br /> cost of the landscaping prior to beginning the landscaping m1d prior to receiving any <br /> building permits. The surety shall include the landscaping for the entire property, <br /> including the shoreline. The financial surety shall be subject to approval by the City <br /> Attorney. <br /> 4. Upon completion of the landscaping and prior to releasing the financial surety, the <br /> City Planner shall inspect the landscaping to ensure that it is in compliance with the <br /> approved plans. <br /> 5. Any vegetation within the landscaping plan that are deemed dead or dying by the City <br /> Planner or City Forester shall be replaced within three months or by the beginning of <br /> the next planting season, if it is deemed by the City Planner or City Forester that it <br /> was too late in the season to replace the dead or dying plants. <br /> . <br />
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