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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -OCTOBER 4,2006 5 <br /> Chair Sand stated he realized there were other properties in the City that had crushed rock <br />. driveways and those properties were probably grandfathered in. Mr. Lis stated he <br /> understood that issue, but he believcd he had a hardship. <br /> Chair Sand statcd he was having a difficult time finding a hardship because it was not on <br /> the plan and there were alternative ways to improve the driveway, such as expanding the <br /> section without having access to the street to allow a turnaround. <br /> Mr. Lis stated the reason they put in a crushed rock surface was to save the trees. Chair <br /> Sand stated he believed they could take down the smaller pine tree to the right and not <br /> take down the oak trees. <br /> Mr. Lis stated he did not want to take down any trees. He noted the neighborhood had <br /> signed a petition against his home before it was built bccause of the trees having to be <br /> taken down. Hc stated the neighborhood did not want to sce any more trees taken down. <br /> Commissioner Thompson asked if the trees were on the City right-of-way. Mr. Lehnhoff <br /> responded they were very close. <br /> Commissioner Thompson stated from a hardship prospective that the length of the <br /> driveway for backing out was typical and this was not a busy street. She stated she had <br /> concerns allowing this when the Ordinance did not allow it. She stated the two entrances <br /> were not on the original plan. She stated she was not in favor of the two entrances. With <br />. respect to the crushed rock, she did not think it was a bad idea to look at these types of <br /> options, but she did not know enough about the pros and cons of this to comment any <br /> further. <br /> Commissioner McClung stated they had previously determined in another case that the <br /> loss of trees was not considered a hardship and that would be the only way he could <br /> potentially find a hardship with the dual driveway. He stated he could not find a <br /> legitimate hardship with regard to the two driveway entrances. He stated with respect to <br /> the crushed rock, that might be something the City could look at, but the Ordinance <br /> required a paved surface and he would be voting against these variances. <br /> Mr. Lis stated the City Council passed the Ordinance in 2000. He asked why the Council <br /> passed this Ordinance. Commissioner McClung responded he could not say why the City <br /> required that. <br /> Commissioner Larson responded non-surfaced parking areas tended to disintegrate more <br /> than paved surfaces and this was required for maintenance purposes. He noted non- <br /> surfaced parking areas also eroded into the street. <br /> Commissioner Modesette noted other developments have also been required to meet the <br /> current Zoning Ordinances. <br />. <br />