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<br />- <br />ULJ Seminar Memo to Michelle Wolfe . <br />October 26,2006 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. Keeley provided an outline of how to constructively deal with change, either imminent or <br />potential: <br />1. Diagnose the Situation <br />2. Declare Intent <br />3. Set Conditions <br />From there_ you author initiatives and foster those initiatives. <br />Mr. Keeky stated that we have a choice to contribute to our city's health. Wc have a number of <br />tools to achicve this, for example through zoning regulations (i.e., Seaside, Florida). <br />Mr. Keeley laid out the six principles of healthy communities: <br />I. Effort -- sweat equity of citizens (responsibility, collaboration) <br />2. Purposc - shared activities, progress, focus. a sense of influence <br />3. Identity -- Defined community, character, authenticity, emergence <br />4. Organic - Balanced, interdependent, co-constructed, deccntralized <br />5. Adaptive - flexible, resilient . <br />6. Freedom ..- Choice, access, fit, empowerment <br />Mr. Keeley likened these principles to a sandwich, where the "bread" is EITort and Frcedom and <br />thc "meat" is the Purpose, Identity, Organic, and Adaptive principles. The "bread" is the <br />characteristics of the peopk in the community; the "meat" is what thc leadcrs need to provide to <br />the community. <br />For the next couple of wecks_ you can view' Mr. Keelcy's presentation via a securcd website. If <br />you are interested, plcase contact me and I wilt provide YOll with the URL, login and password. <br />If you have questions or would like additional information, please let me know! <br /> . <br />