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<br /> - <br /> .. <br />Non-Agenda for Week Ending Friday, October 27, 2006 " <br />Mayor and City Council <br />Page 2 <br /> . <br />them with some information and turn in a "Proof of Loss" form, and then the claIm payment will <br />be processed. I was infOlmed that our expenses are not covered by this policy, only the loss. <br />However, our expenses were eligible for restitution and were included in the amount ordered by <br />the judge. I found out today that the probation officer who was assigned to the case is no longer <br />with the County, so a new officer was assigned. I spoke with him today. He is new to the case, <br />knew a little about it, but promised to review the file and get back to me with an update on the <br />status. <br />The City received a certificate from the Metropolitan Council acknowledging our Livable <br />Communities Tax Base Revitalization Grant in the amount of $200,000 for soil remediation at <br />the fonner A TS site. A copy of the certificate is included in this packet. <br />Karen attended a seminar this week sponsored by the Urban Land Institute and Blue Cross Blue <br />Shield that addressed "Health Implications of Community Design: The Value of Connected <br />Communities". The seminar was well-attended by a number of Mayors and City representatives <br />from the metro area, as well as out-state areas. The speaker, Larry Keeley, President and co- <br />foundcr of Doblin, Inc., provides consulting services relating to innovation and strategic change. <br />Attached is a memo providing highlights from the seminar. <br />Invitations to the EDC luncheon were mailed out earlier this week. We've already receivcd <br />twelve RSVP's from business people who will be attending the event. . <br />Preparations for the November 7th general election are in full swing. Schawn and Jackie have <br />been preparing absentee ballots, voting equipment, and supplies for the November election. The <br />Public Accuracy Testing of the voting equipment is scheduled for this Friday at 3:00 PM. <br />City staff recently re-posted the vacant Finance Director position. As of this writing, we have <br />received six applications for the open position. The application deadline for the Finance Director <br />position is Friday 10/27. <br />Public Works Department installed new crosswalk signs in the Cunm1ings Park neighborhood, <br />and a new security light was installed on the park building at Cummings Park. <br />We are working on plans for a Committee Summit in November or early December. <br />The old tower is down at the site near the bus garage. <br />Reminder - I've e-mailed the form with five questions relating to the annual perfon11ance review <br />for the Ramsey County Sheriffs department. Please provide your input as I need to rcspond <br />next week. If you need me to send the fon11 again let me know. <br />The warming house building has finally been moved from Valcntine Park to Frceway Park. The <br />electrical work was finished up Thursday and the Public Works staff will be finishing up with . <br />minor interior repairs into ncxt week. The building looks great at its new location! We should <br />