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<br />Subdivision 2. Governinl! Board. The EDA shall be governed by a Board of <br />five (5) Commissioners who shall be Members of the City CounciL <br /> <br />Section 220.03. Planninl! Commission. <br /> <br />Subdivision 1. Composition. At the first Council Meeting of the calendar year, <br />the Mayor shall appoint a Planning Commission consisting of seven (7) members and one <br />(I) alternative member subject to approval by a majority vote ofthe entire CounciL <br /> <br />Subdivision 2. Powers and Duties. The Planning Commission shall fulfill the <br />function of the City's Planning Agency and its Board of Adjustments and Appeals. It <br />shall exercise the duties conferred on it by the City Council and shall have the powers <br />prescribed for such agency and Board pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 9462.351 through <br />9462.364, as may be amended from time to time, including but not limited to the <br />following: <br /> <br />A. The Planning Commission shall prepare the City's Comprehensive <br />Municipal Plan, periodically review the Comprehensive Municipal Plan, <br />and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the adoption or <br />amendment of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />B. The Planning Commission shall review the proposed acqulSltlOns and <br />disposal of real property and proposed public improvements to real <br />property and shall advise the City Council in writing whether such <br />acquisitions, disposals, or improvements are in compliance with the City's <br />Comprehensive Municipal Plan. Failure of the Planning Commission to <br />report on the proposal within forty-five (45) days after referral by the City <br />Councilor within such other reasonable period as may be designated by <br />the City Council shall be deemed to have satisfied this review <br />requirement. The City Council may, by resolution adopted by an <br />affirmative vote of four (4) Council Members, dispense with this review <br />requirement if in its judgment the City Council determines that such <br />proposal has no relationship to the City's Comprehensive Municipal Plan. <br /> <br />C. The Planning Commission shall hear appeals and make recommendations <br />to the City Council where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, <br />requirement, decision or determination made by an Administrative Officer <br />in the enforcement of the City's official controls. <br /> <br />D. The Planning Commission shall hear requests for variances and make <br />recommendations to the City CounciL <br /> <br />Subdivision 3. Rules of Procedure. The Planning Commission shall prescribe <br />its own rules of procedure to the extent permissible under statute and to the extent that <br />such rules are consistent with the City's Code. <br /> <br />3 <br />