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<br />Subdivision 4. Records. The Planning Commission shall provide a written <br />record of its proceedings, including the minutes of its meetings, findings and the actions <br />taken by that Planning Commission on each matter referred to it or heard by it including <br />the final recommendation, <br /> <br /> <br />Subdivision 5. Hearinl!s. Hearings shall be held by the Planning Commission in <br />all matters where public hearings are required by State law or this Code and as otherwise <br />directed by the City Council. A hearing may be afforded to any interested party on any <br />matter where the Planning Commission deems it appropriate. <br /> <br />Subdivision 6. Reports. The Planning Commission shall submit reports directly <br />to the City Council. The reports shall contain the findings, conclusions and <br />recommendations of the Planning Commission as to the action to be taken by City <br />Council. <br /> <br />Subdivision 7. Votinl! Ril!hts ofthe Alternate Member. In the event that any <br />of the regular members are not able to attend a properly noticed meeting of the Planning <br />CommissiDn, the alternate member may enjoy the full voting and any other privileges of <br />a regular member during the meeting, <br /> <br />Section 220.04. Economic Development Commission. <br /> <br />Subdivision 1. Establishment of Commission. An Economic Development <br />Commission is hereby established to facilitate positive interaction with the business <br />community and advise the City Council and the Economic Development Authority on <br />economic development, redevelopment and related community development issues, <br /> <br />Subdivision 2. Composition. The Economic Development Commission shall <br />consist of nine (9) members appointed by the City Council. The membership may be <br />open to any resident or non-resident affiliated with an Arden Hills business who is <br />interested in the business climate and economic development direction of the City. There <br />shall be at least four (4) Arden Hills residents represented on the Commission, <br /> <br />Subdivision 3. Duties and Functions. The duties and functions of the <br />Commission shall be included in the Annual Resolution appointing new members and <br />may be changed by Council Resolution, from time to time, based upon the needs of the <br />City, <br /> <br />Section 220.05. Parks. Trails and Recreation Committee. <br /> <br />Subdivision 1. Establishment of Committee. The Parks, Trails and Recreation <br />Committee is hereby established to review and evaluate the City's Parks, Trails and <br />Recreation Programs. <br /> <br />4 <br />