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<br />minimum requirements of the underlying zoning district and the subdivision code. No variances <br />are needed for this subdivision. <br /> <br />According to the proposed plans, Lots 1,2, and 3 would accommodate walk-out style homes. <br />All of the structures on the 3695 New Brighton Road property would be removed. A shed that <br />would straddle the proposed lot line between Lots 2 and 4 would also be removed. The existing <br />dwelling and accessory structure on Lot 4 would remain. No variances would be needed to <br />construct on the three vacant lots. <br /> <br />Utility Easement Vacation <br /> <br />Condition one ofthe preliminary plat approval required a partial vacation of the utility easement <br />on proposed Lot 3 for the driveway on Lot 3. The area to be vacated was reviewed by the City <br />Engineer and was declared excess easement land. The applicant has submitted the required <br />information for a partial easement vacation, and the public hearing for the vacation is scheduled <br />for the March 12, 2007, City Council meeting. The final plat review is also scheduled for the <br />March 12, 2007, City Council meeting. The final plat is being placed on the consent calendar; <br />however, the final plat will be contingent upon approval ofthe partial easement vacation, <br /> <br />Park Dedication Fee <br /> <br />For a subdivision that results in two new lots, Section 1130.08 Subd. 2 of the Subdivision <br />Ordinance permits the City to require the applicants to dedicate up to six percent ofthe buildable <br />land area in the subdivision to the City or to pay a park dedication fee of up to six percent of the <br />property's land value at the time the final plat is approved. Given the small size and location of a <br />potential land dedication, a park dedication fee would be more appropriate then a land <br />dedication. <br /> <br />The 2007 land market value according to Ramsey County records is $464,500, Based on the <br />Ramsey County assessed value, the maximum park dedication fee for the entire property would <br />be $27,870 or $6,967.50 per lot. However, the City can only charge for the two net new lots <br />created in the plat. Therefore, the maximum park dedication fee for the two new lots would be <br />$13,935 or $6,967.50 per lot. These numbers assume that all four lots have the same value. The <br />applicant can submit an independent appraised value ofthe lots if they so desire. <br /> <br />While the City does have guidelines for setting the maximum park dedication fee, State Statutes <br />(462.358 Subd 2.b and 2.c) have additional criteria that while not directly reflected in the City's <br />Subdivision Code, must be considered: <br />. The regulations may require that a reasonable portion of the <br />buildable land, as defined by municipal ordinance, of any proposed subdivision be <br />dedicated to the public or preserved for public use as streets, roads, sewers, electric, gas, <br />and water facilities, storm water drainage and holding areas or ponds and similar <br />utilities and improvements, parks, recreational facilities, playgrounds, trails, wetlands, <br />or open space <br />\\\ardenhillslPlanninglPlanning CasesI2006\06-038 Amities Coast - Burroughs Lane Final Plat (PENDING)\031207 - CC Report- <br />Burroughs Lane (amities coast) Final Plat. doc <br />Page 2 of5 <br />