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<br />Arden Hi/Is CouncillSteff Ret,.et 2007 <br />Notes Prepared by Barbara K, Strande!1 <br /> <br />Reactive mode: <br />. Quadrant - seem to always operate in the "crisis" quadrant. <br />. Hard to be proactive when you don't have a full staff <br /> <br />Mentality - "us" mode- <br />. See how you want to lead <br />. Stan - like legacy planning <br />. Brenda - goes back to communication <br />. Susan - about change <br /> <br />COUNCIL and STAFF EFFECTIVENESS <br />The survey responses about what council and staff could do to be more effective were plentiful. <br />Because of those answers. and the fact that the group identified both staff and council as <br />significant potential barriers to achieving goals and priorities, the facilitator created two breakout <br />groups to address the "effectiveness" issues. The City Administrator met with the four Council <br />Members: the Mayor met with the four department heads. The "council" group was asked to <br />identify what they would like the staff to do to become more effective; the staff group was asked <br />to do the same regarding the City Council. The groups met in separate rooms and discussed <br />ideas for about 45 minutes; then, a representative from each group presented their group's <br />suggestions to all participants. Here is was they said: <br /> <br />WHAT THE STAFF CAN DO TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE <br />(Council group developed, Fran presented) <br />1. Include Council as an input to processes - need plans for TCAAP and other processes <br />2. Understanding Council/Staff roles. Define. <br />3. Public Works and TCAAP reach out and network with other government agencies <br />4. Follow-up on Council questions and concerns - Agenda? Tracking system? <br />5. Resident concerns and follow-up - need to set a procedure <br />6. Protocoi re: City Hall staffing - who is in charge? Vacation? Seminars? <br />7. More information and analysis on important topics. <br />8. Provide clear, concise, thorough, well-organized staff reports <br />9. Keep Council informed, no surprises <br />10. Send summaries of weekly meetings with CRR <br />11. Change our communication style and try to be more proactive in asking questions and <br />anlicipate potential problems or concerns. <br />12. Being more open-minded of the Council members intentions would help instead of <br />immediately judging them. <br /> <br />WHAT THE COUNCIL CAN DO TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE <br />(Staff group developed, stan presented) <br />1. Try to stay focused on policy directives <br />2. Improve communication <br />a. Identify effective methods <br />b. Call staff with questions <br />c. Okay to ask questions - you do not need to be experts <br />d. Okay for staff to take time for answer <br />3. Identify a method by which Council can revisit progress or stated goals. (Quarterly/work <br />session) <br />4. Establish broad guidelines (policies) that allow staff to "flesh-out" the issues as they arrive. <br /> <br /> <br />11 <br />