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<br />~. <br />. :..-- <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY Of RAMSEY <br />CITY Of ARDEN HillS <br /> <br />r~ \~ If) <br />y.()\J.r ZOO\~ <br />Cco~ Q~ <br />~ otlQ,m'd- <br />\11{w~b <br />C}w- r- t f\ <br />Sedion 6 F: <br />~ <br /> <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT -- Case no. 76-41 <br /> <br />The undersigned, Clerk-Adminls1T61"or of the City ot <br />~"rden flills. does hereby certify "thai" this Special Use PenDJt <br />is granted pur-suan1- "to the provisions of Ordinance No. 99, as <br />amanded, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Arden tHUs. in <br />accordcRce with a public hearing duly held by tbe Planning <br />Commission t-toarsof on February 15. 1977 and subsequent approval <br />by "the Arden Hills Cf ty Council Ort February 28. 1971. <br /> <br />Perm~5!:olon is accordIngly given "the applicant, BAN CON, ,NC., <br />a Minnesota corporzl'tlon. hereinafTer referred to as "Permittee", <br />to develop and construct upon tha tracts of land hereinafter des- <br />cribed a residential planned unit development consist-Ing of ona <br />hundred fifTy (150) single family lots. publlc stree1"s and utIlities. <br />and open spaCe and pedestrl~nways to be usad for public recreatronat <br />purposes. a11 iil accordance wIth 'the revised preliminary pian of <br />the Permittee, da'ted March 9. 1977. except as otherwise modified <br />herein. The. revised prelimInary plan. and all of 'ts components. <br />ara on file with "the Clerk-Admtnistra"tor in the City Hall. <br /> <br />The tracts of land which are the subject of this Specfal <br />Use Permit are apparently owned of reconJ by "the Permittee. <br />and thel r 1<';).9'" descriptIons lu'e as sat forth on Exhlbi"t "A" <br />attached herei"o and made a part horaof. <br /> <br /> Special Use Permit is ISsued not only subject to <br />PermItTee's compliance with the g6neral c~ndl1"lons and docua~nts <br />mentIoned hereinabove. but also subjact to all of the applicable <br />naQuirarrtents of Ordlnl.lRCe No~ 99. as amended. the 20n(ng Ordinance. <br />and Ordinance Un. 98. 8S amended, the SUbdivisIon o,.,d Platting <br />Ordinance; subject to Permittoe's obtaining proper Building Per.m1ts; <br />arul subject to the following special cond;tions: <br /> <br />I. Permittee shall dedicato to City. In its plat. Out- <br />lots A. B. C and E. and shall convey Outlot 0 by <br />Warranty Deed to School Dls"trict 621. <br /> <br />2. Slgnage and landscaplny at all entrances to tbe planned <br />unIt dave'opmenT shall be submitTed to end approved by <br />i'he Council before inSTallation. or: 'construction. The <br />slgna~e treatment proposed by i'hl3l 'PermiT"te6 In the <br />Entrance Slgfl- Concepts, dated January 24. '971. is <br />unacceptable and shall not be used by the Permittee. <br /> <br />3. Developer shall perform grading and prapare initial <br />foundation for the pedostrIan way 6T a cost not TO <br />exceed $15.000. CIty Council shedl determlnt90 location <br />of pedestrian wl'ly in Gl.ltiot C. <br /> <br />-4. Cost" j ocurred by the Ci ty for feas i bi 1 j ty study of <br />proposed streets and utllltl65 snail b-e paid by <br />Permi i"te.e I f project is not consumated. <br /> <br />~. Minimum setbacks for ai' houses in Cha1'ham will be as <br />lollows: <br />~ Front setback <br />r- Side ysr-d..dweIHng <br />Si de yard. garage <br />AggregaTe s I de <br /> <br />30' <br />lOr <br />5.1 <br />1.5--1 <br /> <br /> this <br /> <br />&Til day of March. 1977. <br />CITY OF AROEN HillS <br /> <br />BY~~~ <br />Charlotte McNiesh <br />Clerk-AdminIstrator <br />