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<br /> <br />Budget <br /> <br />. Four major categories <br />- Policy Document <br />- FinanCial Plan <br />- Operations Guide <br />- Communications Device <br /> <br /> <br />Policy Document <br /> <br />. Budget documents should contain: <br />- Entity-wide long-term financial policies <br />- Entity-wide, noh-financial goals and objectives that <br />address long-term concerns and issues <br />- Describe the entity's short-term initiatives that guide <br />the development of the budget for the upcoming <br />year <br />- Clearly stated goals and objectives of organizations <br />units (ex. Departments, divisions, or programs) <br /> <br /> <br />Financial Plan <br /> <br />. Budget documents should: <br />- Include and describe all funds that are subject 10 <br />appropriation <br />- Present a summary of revenues, expenditures and <br />other financing sources <br />- Describe revenue sources, underlying assumptions <br />for revenue estimates and discuss revenue trends <br />- Include budgeted capital expenditures and the affect <br />they will have on the current and future operating <br />budgets <br /> <br />13 <br />