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<br />NO North Oaks has been pleased with the services provided by the <br />Ramsey County Sheriff's Department. The trespass checks at the <br />entrances, overweight vehicle enforcement and responsiveness to <br />traffic issues have been seen as strengths in this community. The <br />procurement of our CSO has been seen as very positive. <br /> <br />VH Use of speed carts and speed boards were quite effective. <br /> <br />VH Addition of second traffic squad was helpful in second half of year. <br /> <br />VH Communications of incidents in contract communities continued to <br />be good or improved. <br /> <br />WBT The Township appreciates good access to RCSD staff, especially <br />Undersheriff Altendorfer, Lieutenant Salter, and Deputies Entner, <br />Thurmer, and Ruettimann. They are easy to contact, return calls <br />quickly, and are responsive to the Township's day-to-day needs. <br /> <br />WBT The Township appreciates RCSD's willingness and availability to <br />participate in community events like our Annual Town Meeting and <br />the Otter Lake Elementary School Carnival. <br /> <br />WBT The Township appreciates RCSD's resources being available to <br />assist the Township on special law enforcement duties such as <br />enforcing seasonal sprinkling regulations and Bald Eagle Winter <br />patrol. <br /> <br />2. What are some of the concerns that you had with the performance of <br />the RCSD during the calendar year 2006? What would we like to have <br />accomplished but didn't, and why? <br /> <br />AH The City continues to have concerns with staffing for absences. <br />Question whether the department is meeting the intent of the <br />agreement when we often don't have a car in our city. <br /> <br />AH A concern is that we have experiences where a deputy comes out <br />and tells us information that ends up somewhat inaccurate. <br />(Example - they can't assist with our vandalism problem because <br />it's occurring during shift change.) If we go to George or Mike it gets <br />resolved. Similar issue is that residents are told by dispatch that it's <br />not a law enforcement mater, to call the City. (Le. dispatch acting <br />as a "filter" for the deputies.) <br /> <br />AH An on-going concern expressed by our Council members is visibility <br />in the neighborhoods. <br /> <br />2 <br />