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<br />GL Community policing and assistance with administrative <br />enforcement on occasion (perhaps on a per call out basis?) <br /> <br />LC "No Parking" enforcement is very minimal. We understand that at <br />times, other priorities push this type of concern to the bottom of the <br />list. However, there are other times where an officer drives by a <br />violating vehicle and just keeps going This appears to be lack of <br />interest in enforcing this type of violation. <br /> <br />LC Winter no parkinglsnow birds are not proactively enforced. Our <br />ordinance calls for no parking when snowfall exceeds two inches. <br />It is rare when Public Works does not have to call the dispatcher to <br />ask the deputies to enforce this ordinance. Without consistent <br />enforcement, people won't pay attention to the ordinance, which <br />means more cars on the streets when we plow. To this end, we <br />initiated a "Winter No-Parking" ordinance (2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. - <br />November 1st until April 1S\ We hope this makes it easier for <br />officers to proactively address this issue. <br /> <br />NO The lack of community oriented policing whereas residents and <br />business owners would not be able to name or associate with the <br />specific Deputies that work within the community. Some of our <br />residents do not like to make a police call for what they consider to <br />be a nuisance type of issue. This issue now appears to be <br />somewhat resolved with the addition of our community service <br />office. The overwhelming feedback has been positive in nature. <br /> <br />VH Concerned when squads are out of service. We need to watch this <br />closely. <br /> <br />WBT The Township appreciates deputies willingness to respond to code <br />enforcement and other calls that may eventually involve other <br />Township staff. We want to encourage the deputies to continue <br />this, but we would also like to be notified of these contacts so that <br />the Township staff who also respond to these calls are aware of the <br />work that the deputies have already put in. <br /> <br />3 <br />