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<br />Transit Performance Standards <br /> <br />The primary performance standards to measure service are Subsidy per Passenger and <br />Passengers per In-Service Hour. Performance standards are used to evaluate the relative <br />productivity and efficiency of the services provided. To be responsible and dynamic, a transit <br />system must consistently measure and adjust service in unproductive routes and address <br />insufficient service in productive areas. The use of two regional peiformance standards provides <br />better insight into the operational and financial performance of individual routes and services. <br /> <br />Subsidy per Passenger <br /> <br />Subsidy or net cost is the difference between the total cost of providing service offset by revenue <br />Fom passenger fares. Subsidy per passenger represents the net cost divided by the number of <br />passengers using the service. This standard identifies services that are not operating within <br />efficiency ranges and focuses corrective actions for those services. Subsidy thresholds are <br />determined by calculating the non-weighted subsidy per passenger average within each service <br />classification plus fixed percentage deviations Fom that average. <br /> <br />Threshold No. level of Subsity per Monitoring Goal Possible Action <br /> PassenaerPerrormance <br />1 20 to 35% over neer average For Quick Review Minor Modifications <br />2 36 to 60% over neer average For Intense Review Maior Changes <br />3 M ore than 60% over Deer average For Significant Change Restructure/Eliminate <br /> <br />Passengers per In-Service Hour <br /> <br />The passenger per in-service hour standard establishes a minimum threshold of peiformance for <br />light rail transit, big bus fixed route service, small bus fixed route service and paratransit <br />operations. Passengers per in-service hour represents the total passengers carried divided by <br />the in-service time. This measure is most often calculated at the route level, but can also be <br />measured less rigidly at a trip level. <br /> <br />Type of Service Average Passengers per Minimum Passengers per <br /> In-Service Hour In-Service Hour <br />Light Rail Transit >70 >50 <br />Bio Bus Fixed Route - All Dav >20 >15 <br />Bio Bus Fixed Ronte - Peak Onlv >20 N/A <br />Small Bus Fixed Route >9 >5 <br />Small Bus Non-Fixed Route >3 >2 <br />Other/Rideshare/Shared Ride Taxi <2 N/A <br /> <br />T-15 <br />